Veterans Services
Student Center Building, Room 013 (Basement)
Mission Statement
The Veterans Resource Office at Westchester Community College is committed to providing veterans and Reserve component personnel, as well as active duty, family members, and dependents, the support they need through a variety of programs and services, intended to make a seamless transition into the college environment. Veterans are encouraged and supported to strengthen their existing foundation built through their military careers with additional career and internship opportunities, utilizing campus, community and national resources.
The college is devoted to assisting veterans and their dependents reach personal, professional and academic goals, and is committed to guide each from admissions to graduation, and beyond. Westchester Community College and the Veterans Resource Office is a participating college for both the 8 KEYS TO VETERANS’ SUCCESS and EXECUTIVE ORDER 13607, establishing principles of excellence for educational institutions serving service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members.
GI Bill TM
The Veterans Resource Office and financial aid counselors are highly knowledgeable in all of the GI Bill tm assistance programs including:
If you have not applied for your benefits, start here: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/apply.asp
Veterans Assistant Director: Travis Melby
Email: [email protected]
MyCAA Military Spouse Funding at SUNY WCC
We participate in the My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship program, a workforce initiative for spouses of active-duty service members. Learn more about this program.
Help further transition your military leadership into the civilian workforce by participating in an internship program. Westchester Community College collaborates with local and nationally recognized organizations to assist veterans in receiving a “real world” perspective in a variety of fields. Get your foot in the door, learn new skills, increase your professional network, and potentially earn college credits!