Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness
Mission Statement
It is the mission of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness to provide qualitative and quantitative information to facilitate assessment, planning, continuous improvement and decision making at all levels of the college.
Westchester Community College provides accessible, high quality and affordable education to meet the needs of our diverse community. We are committed to student success, academic excellence, workforce development, economic development and lifelong learning.
Strategic Planning
Westchester Community College’s comprehensive and ongoing process of institutional planning is based on an active culture of assessment encompassing all functional areas of the College.
Strategic planning incorporates our core values, mission and strategic goals into the evaluation, design and implementation of all aspects of the College’s operations, in order to make decisions and allocate resources in ways to best meet the College’s mission and goals.
The department is responsible for facilitating and supporting the strategic planning process of the college. We aim to support a culture that is based on data-driven decision-making, continuous assessment and improvement.
Research and Data Support
Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness is responsible for the preparation, analysis and distribution of internal and external data reports primarily related to enrollment. The Fact Book, Fast Facts, and Study of the Graduates are a few of the documents that are published annually.
The department also responds to various ad hoc requests for data and analysis. Members of the department serve on a number of internal committees to provide guidance and research support.
SUNY, State, and Federal Reporting
The department is responsible for coordinating state and federal reporting processes for the college. There are around sixty mandated reports that are coordinated or completed by Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness acts as a clearinghouse for questionnaires and surveys which are used for evaluating college programs and services. Guidance on designing and coordinating survey distribution, data analysis and reporting is available to faculty and staff. The department coordinates various institutional surveys as a means of assessing student satisfaction and institutional effectiveness.
IR Request Forms
These form are used by departments when requesting data information for program review, datasets, Survey Requests and SEM Data Requests. Please allow at least 15 business days for processing.