Bursar/Make a Payment
Speak with a Bursar Representative (Student Accounts)
Go to Get Bursar Assistance to speak with a Bursar representative about your Student Bill . Representatives are available to help you via Q Minder, phone or email. When you sign up to for Bursar Assistance, please select line: Bursar/Student Accounts.
Payment is required by the due dates for each semester. To see the due dates, please click on the Payment Due and Drop Dates below. Payments can be made ONLINE thru Monday, January 20th at 9 p.m. To avoid classes being dropped, please be sure that your account is completely covered by either payment, financial aid (awards/loans must be anticipated/pending), or third party credit/company billing. Students who do not make full payment or who are not fully covered by financial aid or other sources will have their courses deleted on the applicable drop date.
Beginning with the first day of the semester (which depends on campus or extension site), students who fail to complete the terms of their arrangements to cover their full account, may be deleted from their classes and will be responsible for the charges incurred according to the refund schedule. If you do not plan on attending Westchester Community College you must drop your classes prior to the first day of the semester in which you are registered. IF YOU DO NOT DROP YOUR CLASSES, all tuition and fees are your responsibility.
How to Resources
Problems Paying Online?
How to View Invoice
How to Make a Payment Online
How to Enroll in Payment Plan
How to Grant Bookstore Permission
How to View And Print Your 1098-T
Refund Policy and Tuition Appeal Requests
Tuition and Fee Rates
Tuition and Fee Rates Information (click to open)
Certificate of Residency
All Certificate of Residences must be submitted to the Bursar’s Office during Office Hours
Who qualifies for residency rates? See Residency Requirements here
Residency Information (click to open)
Students are urged to confirm procedure with the office of their Chief Fiscal Officer of their home County. Certificates should be maximum dated 60 days prior to their classes start or within 30 days after session started. When a valid Certificate has been issued by the County, and received by the student- Please scan the Certificate, or send it as an E-mail attachment directed to: [email protected]
If you are a New York State resident living in a county other than Westchester, you must submit a completed Certificate of Residence from the Chief Fiscal Officer of your home county and submit it at the time of registration or pay the non-resident tuition rate. Applications for Certificate of Residency must be submitted on an annual basis.
Proof of Residency
While anyone can attend our classes, note that New York State residents who are not residents of Westchester County will be charged non-resident tuition and fee rates. In order for New York’s non-Westchester residents to qualify for the resident rates (which are significantly lower), an Application for Certificate of Residency form must be completed, notarized, authorized by your county of residence and submitted to the College’s Bursar’s Office. Additional requirements pertaining to the length of one’s residency also apply. To see the residency requirements and/or download the application form, visit our Registration Forms for Credit Courses page at www.sunywcc.edu/regforms. Completed forms can be faxed (please include your name, address and telephone number on the cover sheet) to the Bursar’s Office at (914)606-6686 or scanned and attached to an email directed to [email protected].Special note for New York City Residents re-applying for a Certificate of Residency
New York City Counties issue renewal certificates based upon the date of the prior certificate expiring. Those students whose expiration date is beyond January 2nd may complete a Westchester Community County New York City COR Agreement and pay the resident rates. This form and payment must be completed in the Bursar’s Office by 4pm on January 4. Completing this process will provide you a temporary extension on resident rates. If the actual Certificate of Residency is not completed in a timely fashion, all non-resident tuition & fees will apply.- Documents needed to prove or change your residency to Westchester County
- Application for Certificate of Residence
Appeal Information
If a SUNY community college student is denied a certificate of residence from their home county, such student may appeal to SUNY System Administration for reversal. Such appeal communication should contain the student’s contact information and details about the denial from the county. Pleasenote that denials can only be reversed if either the county or the college made an error or did not follow relevant legal requirements. Students can submit appeals by email to [email protected] or by physical mail to Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline, SUNY H. Carl McCall Building, 353 Broadway, Albany, NY 12246.
If you have any questions or need assistance with your completed application or Certificate of Residency, contact the Bursar’s Office at www.qminder.com/location/bursar/ or via email at [email protected]. You can also meet with a Bursar representative in person during office hours as posted on the website.
Payment Due and Drop Dates
Payment Due and Drop Dates Information (click to open)
(NOTE: The Deferred Payment Agreement is only for Prior Semester Balances. Use the Payment Plan to pay for current semester balances per the plan’s schedule.)
All part-time and full-time students are required to pay a non-refundable Registration Fee once they register for courses at Westchester Community College. In addition, once classes begin all fees are non-refundable. Be aware that refunds are issued on the basis of credits registered for, and not the full time tuition. You will never be charged more than full time tuition.Payment Types
Payment Types Information (click to open)
FERPA Authorization
According to Federal FERPA regulations, student accounts can only be discussed with the student, or with a representative the student authorizes. However, to discuss the student account with the FERPA-designated representative, both the representative and the student must come to the Bursar’s office. /admissions/registering-for-classes/ferpa/Deferred Payment Agreement Form
Deferred Payment Agreement Form PDFRefund Policy
Visit the Bursar’s office Refund Policy page to learn more about the refund policy.Financial Aid Pending Credit
Financial Aid Pending Credit Information (click to open)
If you plan to use financial aid (Federal Pell/Direct Loans, New York State TAP, etc.) you must file a FAFSA. All requested documents must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office to determine your eligibility for a financial aid award. The entire awarding process must be completed for the financial aid to count towards your bill. Priority processing will be given to those students who complete the FAFSA application and submit all of the required documentation by the Priority Deadlines.
See full Financial Aid information at: https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/finaid/
Payment Plans
Payment Plans Information (click to open)
Deferral Payment Agreement
Bursar Deferment Instructions-Simple Guide
As a courtesy the Bursars’ Office is offering a Deferral payment agreement for Spring 2025. The Deferral agreement must be accepted before January 20th. If you accept this online agreement, please ensure you understand the following:
Your classes will not be dropped/canceled, and you will be liable for the charges on your account. You may drop your classes during the drop period if you no longer wish to attend but you will be subjected to the Refund policy: Please see refund policy Refund Policy – Westchester Community College (sunywcc.edu)
The total outstanding balance must be paid by March 29th. If payment is not received by the due March 29th, you will not be able to register for subsequent semesters.
To sign the agreement please log into your MyWCC account and go to the student center.
In order to be eligible for Deferral payment agreement, a student must have a minimum balance after other credits of $750.00 in tuition/fees due the College. Full tuition payment will be due on March 29th through the on-line payment system. A non-refundable $50.00 enrollment fee will be required and must be paid prior to accepting the Deferral Agreement. Check payments are not accepted.
Click here for steps on how to enroll in the Deferral Agreement. If you fail to make full payment by the due date, your classes will not be deleted, but you will be responsible for all amounts due, including late fees. Until full payment is received you will be prevented from registering.
Payment Plans
The college offers a tuition payment plan for the Spring and Fall semesters (but not the Winter or Summer semesters.)
Spring 2025 Payment Plan
Can’t pay your tuition all at once? Why not enroll in the Payment Plan. The payment plan offers you an opportunity split your tuition into (5) five equal monthly payments.
*Payment Plan is not offered for Summer and Winter semester.*
Enrollment opened October 28, 2024
Reasons to Sign up Early
- Your class seat is saved
- The earlier you enroll, the lower your monthly payments since the total amount will be divided over more scheduled payments.
Payment Plan Budget Worksheet
Establish your payment plan based upon your anticipated tuition & fee costs and your anticipated financial aid (grants. scholarships, federal and state aid, etc.)
Choose Your Payment Method
- Credit or Debit Card
Cost to Participate
- $50 Enrollment Fee per *semester. *(excluding Summer and Winter)
- Upon Enrollment, Initial Payment is comprised of First Payment and Enrollment Fee.
- The Enrollment Fee is not refundable, even if the payment to which it relates is cancelled, refunded, credited, or charged back.
*If the Enrollment Fee is returned for any reason including (NSF) Not Sufficient Fund, the agreement will be terminated.
How to Enroll
- Log into MyWCC, go to Student Self Service Center, click on Financial Account, and click Account Services Payment Plan
- Click here for steps on how to enroll in Payment Plan.
Spring 2025 Payment Plans
Number of Payments Includes Down Payment |
Last Day to Enroll January 31,2025 |
1 | November 29, 2024 |
2 | December 29, 2024 |
3 | January 29, 2025 |
4 | February 28, 2025 |
5 | March 29, 2025 |
In order to be eligible for participation in the tuition payment plan, a student must have a minimum balance after other credits of $750.00 in tuition/fees due the College. Tuition payments will be due in four equal installments through the on-line payment system. A non-refundable $50.00 payment plan enrollment fee will be required and must be paid prior to enrollment into the payment plan. Check payments are not accepted.
Click here for steps on how to enroll in the Payment Plan. If you register after the first payment plan due date, you MUST pay both the first, second and third payment plan installments, on or before the next payment plan due date. Failure to make the first three payments by their due dates will result in your classes being deleted on the drop dates. If you fail to make the fourth and fifth installment payments by the due date, your classes will not be deleted, but you will be responsible for all amounts due, including late fees. Until full payment is received you will be prevented from registering.
IRS Tax Form 1098-T
IRS Tax Form 1098-T Information (click to open)
- If you do not want to receive a paper copy of your IRS 1098-T form because you prefer to view the information electronically you may sign up at MyWCC.edu. Self-service; Student Center; Finances drop down; Account Services; View 1098-T; Grant Consent and select the “Yes” indicator and Submit. You may view the IRS 1098-T form by accessing Mywcc.edu portal Self-service; Student Center; Finances drop down; Account Services; & View 1098-T
- The Tax Form 1098-T will be generated and mailed to your address (if you have not consented to view it electronically by December 31) on file by the end of January.
- If you haven’t provided the College your Federal Tax Identification Number (Social Security Number or iTIN) an IRS Tax Form 1098-T will not be generated. Please be sure to provide these items to the appropriate Office.
- Click the link below to access the 1098-T tax form, instructions for students, and general questions and answers:
Learn more at the Bursar’s Office’s IRS 1098-T Tax Form page.
Financial Aid Refunds
Financial Aid Refunds Information (click to open)
Any Federal Aid (i.e. PELL, SEOG, Direct Loans, etc.) that is NOT used to cover tuition, fees, and books, will be refunded to the student each semester. However, Financial Aid Refunds require that attendance has been reported. If attendance has not been submitted, the Office of Student Financial Assistance cannot disburse your aid. Only after disbursement has been done can a refund be issued.
Typically, refunds for the Fall and Spring semesters occur 6-8 weeks after the start of the semester.
Confirm your mailing address on the MYWCC portal. REFUND CHECKS WILL BE MAILED TO THAT ADDRESS.
ALL Financial Aid checks are mailed using the U.S. Postal Service. Please be patient, as delivery can take time. Checks returned to us by the USPS as undeliverable (because the address is not current/complete) cannot be reissued until one month after the initial mailing date.
Financial Aid Bookstore Permission
How to Give the Bookstore Permission to apply Financial Aid Monies
Receipts and Invoices
Receipts and Invoices Information (click to open)