
Student Community Resources

You are not alone! The staff at student support services will walk you through your journey in a safe and private manner. Contact student support services online for an appointment and more guidance.

Health Care Advocacy and Mediation

  • Advocator
  • Community Health Advocate

Leoni Parker
(914) 963-6440

Open Door Medical Group

Do not need insurance to see a doctor. Open to everyone regardless of status. Call for fees based on service required.

Help Applying for Health Insurance

Yonkers Chamber of Commerce
Antoinette Cerrato
(914) 963-0332

Westchester County Department of Health

Health Insurance Access Program
Marlon Anglin
(914) 336-0925


$4 prescription refills

Food Insecurity

Visit the WCC Food Pantry M-F from 11AM-1PM

List of Local Food Pantries

SNAP (Food Stamps)

If you’re over 21, working 20+ hours/week or have work study while attending school, you might be eligible.
Catholic Charities can help answer questions you may have and assist you with the application process.
Brewster: (845) 279-5276
Yonkers: (914) 476-2700

Legal Support

Legal Services of the Hudson Valley

FREE Legal Representation:

  • Domestic Violence
  • Housing
  • Disability Advocacy
  • LGBTQ Legal Protection
  • And More

Main Office (White Plains): (914) 949-1305

Hudson Valley Justice Center

  • Housing/Eviction
  • Immigration
  • Workers’ Rights

Yonkers: (914) 308-3490

My Sisters’ Place
Domestic Violence Support

  • Residential Services
  • Legal Support
  • Education
1(800)298-SAFE (7233)

Pace Women’s Justice Center
Legal services to victims of Domestic Violence or Elder Abuse
Legal Helpline: (914) 287-0739

Victims Assistance Services
Works with survivors of rape, sexual assault, and abuse.
24/7 Rape Crisis Hotline: (914) 345-9111

Custody and Visitation Mediation
Westchester Mediation Center, a program of Cluster Community Services
(914) 963-6500

United Way

Information and support—whether financial, domestic, health or disaster-related.
Free, confidential referral and information helpline.
Call 2-1-1 or hudson211.orgSt. Vincent’s Hospital Westchester
Walk-in evaluations available 24/7 at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Harrison.
24/7 Evaluation and Referral Services: (914) 925-5320 or toll free (855) 239-0019
Crisis Prevention and Response Team (Westchester County): (914) 925-5959

New York Presbyterian

Westchester Medical Center
(914) 493-7000

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Westchester Community College-Personal Counseling
Personal Counciling

Child Care

Smart Child Care
Helps guide parents to finding the right child- care for their children.

Housing Services

Homeless/Temporary Shelter: Westchester County
The Office of Temporary Housing Assistance provides temporary shelter to homeless families, singles and childless couples.

Department of Social Services: district offices open Monday to Friday 8:30-5 pm
Warming Shelters/Drop-In Shelters located throughout Westchester County
Emergency Services: 914-995-2099

Off-Campus Housing in Westchester County:
Several ways to find housing while attending community college. For example: find a roommate and share an apartment, rent a room in a private house, or rent an apartment/sublet.

Westchester County Website
Rentals and purchase homes/ lottery/affordable housing

Westchester Residential Opportunities, INC (WRO)
Information about rentals and vacancies throughout Westchester. Information about Section 8, and subsidized housing.

Homeless/Shelter: New York City/Bronx
Home Base provider: 311

Housing Connect: