Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mission of the ASC?

The goal of the Academic Support Center is to help students become successful, confident, independent learners. The ASC provides ongoing tutorial assistance for students taking remedial/developmental and college courses in Math, Reading, ESL, Science, Physics, Computer Science, and Writing.

For what courses do you provide tutorial services?

The ASC provides tutorial services for:


Pre-Algebra, Beginning Algebra, College Algebra, College Quantitative Reasoning, Development of Math Thought, Nature of Mathematics, Math for Elementary School Teachers, Elements of Geometry, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus for Business, Calculus I, II, & III, Linear Algebra, & Differential Equations


College Physics I & II, & Engineering Physics I & II, Technical Physics I & II, and Physical Science Explorations

ESL and Reading

Foundations of College Reading, Analytical Reading, Introduction to Academic Writing I & II, First-Year Seminar, College Success, Writing for College I/II, Speech Communication for Non-Native Speakers, Voice and Diction for English Language Learners, and Upper-Level English Language Institute courses. All students can access reading, study skills, and English language support with a referral form.


General Biology I/II, Biological Science I/II, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry I/II, Anatomy and Physiology I/II, Microbiology, Non-major Physical Sciences, & Respiratory Care and Nutrition


Writing and Research, Writing and Literature, & papers in all disciplines

Computer Science

Intro Computing Concepts, Computer Programming I/II, Linux Operating System, Java Programming, GUI Development, & Computer Architecture.

Where are the tutorials of the ASC located?

Math Tutorial, Library, G44/45
ESL, Reading & Study Skills Tutorial, Library, G38
Math & Physics Tutorial, Library, G36
Computer Science Tutorial, Library, G48
Writing Tutorial, Library, G13
Science Tutorial, Science Building, 219

What are the types of tutoring that are available at the ASC?

In-Person Tutoring: No appointment is needed. Please note, it is important to sign-in and out on the computer at the front desk when you come. Your instructor will get a copy of an attendance record.

NetTutor: If you need assistance outside of the hours of operation of the Academic Support Center Service, please check in your course on Brightspace for a link to NETTUTOR* or contact your instructor and ask for assistance connecting with NetTutor. NetTutor is a service purchased by WCC and not part of ASC.

Email Based Tutoring: ESL, Reading & Study Skills, & Writing students: send you writing assignment to receive constructive feedback via email.

ESL: [email protected]
Reading & SS: [email protected]
Writing: [email protected]

Can you tell me more about the tutors of the ASC?

Most of our tutors are Senior Tutors, all have Baccalaureate degrees, many have Masters Degrees and are adjunct instructors. We have several Peer Tutors on staff who are currently students at Westchester Community College. Some of our Tutors are Westchester Community College Foundation Volunteers.

Are there other tutorials at Westchester Community College? Where are they located?

Accounting Tutorial

Tutoring for students in accounting. Available to all Westchester Community College students.
Classroom Building 202
Call for hours, (914)606-6876.

Computer Information Systems Tutorial

Assistance for Westchester Community College students in word processing, spreadsheet, database programs; programming languages and CIS courses. Classroom Building 315
call for hours, (914)606-8519 or (914)606-8517.

Open Computer Lab

Open computer lab for word processing, biology test reviews internet access. Available to currently enrolled Westchester Community College students only.
Library, ground floor – G14
Visit or call for hours, (914)606-6251.

Extension Center Tutoring

Tutoring at SUNY Westchester Yonkers at the Learning Commons

Tutoring is available at the Yonkers Learning Commons in Room 330 at 843 Kimball Avenue, Yonkers, NY (at the Cross County Shopping Center near Bank of America).

For more information, please call (914) 606-7188 or visit