Resume Advice

Resume Guide (download)

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Common Resume Questions

Writing a resume can be an intimidating process; it’s a first impression used by employers to determine whether or not to proceed to an interview. It’s natural for first-time job seekers or career-changers to ask, “where do I even start?” /nWe’ve decided to make the process a bit easier by answering three of the most common questions:/n- “Is it ok to use a template?” – “Which format is best for me?” – “Do I need an objective statement?”/nAnswering these three questions will have you well on your way to your first resume!

Description: Resume Red Flags

Some resumes have the “x factor” and some don’t. Want to find out what makes a hiring manager toss a resume directly into the garbage? Some reasons may seem obvious but some may surprise you!

Description: Resume Writing Do’s and Don’ts

Looking for a job? Here are the do’s and don’ts to writing a great resume!