
Kelly Paul

Fall 2014

A really fun, collaborative experience that encouraged stretching my boundaries as a teacher and as a person. I learned how the classroom experience promotes limitless learning. The TESOL Program at Westchester Community College shaped the skilled teacher that I am today.

Steve Saper

Spring 2015

The WCC TESOL program was a fantastic experience. There were numerous things about it which I liked, some of which follow. First, the professors who taught the classes were excellent. The classes were interesting and stimulating as the professors were well versed in the numerous aspects of how to prepare someone to teach ESL. Next, the class itself felt like a community; we worked together and supported one another as we all moved toward the same goal, to learn how to teach ESL. Finally, it was a challenging class but when it was over, I felt very satisfied for having learned a valuable skill which I set out to use going forward.
Since graduating from the TESOL program I’ve been teaching classes at WCC and it has been an extremely rewarding experience. It has provided me with the satisfaction of knowing I am directly helping people who want to improve their English language skills and by doing so can hope for a better life here in the US.

Amy E. Brelia

Fall 2015

Some of the advantages of taking the TESOL Program at Westchester Community College are that it is conveniently located; the program was for a short period of time; and it was in the evening. This program has enriched my life in many ways.  In addition to learning, I have met many interesting people.

Dina Silverleaf

Spring 2018

In 2016 I began teaching ESL as a volunteer but quickly realized that I lacked knowledge and technique to be an effective teacher, but I enjoyed teaching and wanted to teach professionally.  I looked for a program focused on general ESL teaching theory and technique but that also provided opportunities for experiential hands-on learning.  Westchester Community College TESOL Certificate Program which only required a three-month commitment was ideal.  The program offered and delivered on everything I needed.  The student-teaching practicum gave me the confidence to pursue paid ESL teaching positions.  Since I completed the program in 2018, I have taught at a community college, a school for international students and online.

Nat Ogren

Fall 2019

The TESOL program at Westchester Community College is an incredible opportunity for educators of all experience levels and backgrounds. The program offers many advantages, including working closely with a rich blend of different experienced instructors, mentors, and, most importantly, the NYC Metropolitan Area’s incredibly diverse students. Whether you’re a seasoned teacher looking to add a new skill to their practice, or (like me) a novice educator looking to explore the profession, you stand only to gain from participating in this community. I believe you’ll walk away from the program wanting only for one thing: more time to work with your students!

Joe Nolan

Spring 2019

On your mark, get set, go! That is what it will be like if you take the full spectrum TESOL at WCC. The Certificate Program’s instructors and mentors are always there for you. The training will guide you to be focused and organized.

Andrea Costa

Summer 2020

I highly recommend the program to anyone who is interested in teaching English as an additional language.  The program is designed really well, in three modules that complement each other, and that are seamlessly taught by three knowledgeable, fun and engaging professors.  I have been a teacher for many years, but not of ESL, and this course still taught me so much about communicative approaches, about online teaching, about how to teach a three hour long class, and about new ways to think about teaching grammar, vocabulary and writing (in any language!).  The course was more challenging than I had anticipated it would be, in all the best ways.  It’s a growth opportunity!

Susana Garcia

Fall 2020

I chose WCC’s program because of the holistic framework. Aside from classroom hours, I knew practice teaching would play a huge part in preparation to teach post-program completion. Through classroom observation, you begin to network with teachers in the field and see examples of material reviewed during your class time. WCC’s TESOL program connects you with a mentor who guides you throughout your practicum – I am still in touch with mine today!

Raquel Kolanko

Fall 2020

One of the advantages of taking the TESOL Program at Westchester Community College is that I actually got hands on experience teaching in the classroom with real life students. I was able to see my teaching skills improve throughout the semester as I taught more classes. Also, the experience of building lesson plans is something I will use throughout my career. Completing the TESOL program showed me how beautiful it is to teach someone a new language. As someone who learned English as a second language, it’s so gratifying to now be able to pay my experience forward through teaching. You can do anything you set your mind to!

Siobhan Loughran

Spring 2021

I’m so pleased I chose to earn my TESOL Certificate from WCC, which had initially stood out to me in its affordability and comprehensiveness. As a young professional, I was limited in my time and money; but for all that I invested into the TESOL program, I was given an abundance in return! Our TESOL instructors were knowledgeable, insightful, and always open to share their own experiences in the ESL classroom. The TESOL Certificate program at WCC is a community that will see to it that you get out all that you put in and more. Perhaps the best testimony I can offer is that having just completed the program, I feel prepared to step out into the field and start my career as an ESL educator!

Mary Ann Ebner

Spring 2021

I especially appreciated the chance to complete my student teaching during the practicum portion of the program. The energy and determination I witnessed from the ESL students and my mentor during my teaching practicum provided invaluable motivation to me to continue to strengthen my commitment to language learning. I’m confident that after completing this program through interaction with my cohort, instruction from the TESOL teaching team, and guidance from my mentor, that I will be able to move forward into a rewarding teaching opportunity with confidence to use my skills for remote and in-person English instruction.