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Helpdesk FAQs

Refer to the FAQ below to explore the support and services offered by the Helpdesk.

General Questions

What issues can the Helpdesk assist me with?
  • Computers, printers & software
  • Phones
  • Media issues (projectors, sound systems, SmartPodiums)
  • Xerox copiers
  • All college-related systems (PeopleSoft, iPay, webmail, etc)
How do I obtain computer supplies?

Send an email to [email protected] . If you are requesting printer ink/toner, please provide the exact model of the printer you have.

How do I change or reset a login password?
  1. If you already logged in and want to change your password, press CTRL+ALT+DEL and select “Change Password”.
  2. If you need the Helpdesk to reset your password for you, you must provide them with you Employee ID # which can be found at the top of one of your checks.
  3. You may also present ID in person at the Helpdesk in TEC27 to have your password reset.


How do I get mailbox storage spaced increased?

After cleaning out your mailbox, you may request additional space by simply emailing the Helpdesk.

How do I clean out my mailbox?
  • Empty the Deleted Items folder – Empty the Deleted Items folder frequently to make sure you are not keeping messages you don’t need.
  • Store attachments outside your mailbox – As attachments accumulate over time, they can take up a lot of space. For attachments, you want to keep, consider saving them to folders on your home drive or shared departmental drive.
  • In Outlook, choose File> Cleanup Tools > Mailbox Cleanup to identify items older than a certain date or larger than a certain size. Consider deleting these.
How do I change information in the Outlook Global Address Book?

Click Start > All Programs > College Utilities > Update Global Address Book 2

How do I get college mail on mobile device?

You must submit a signed “Mobile Device” waiver to the Helpdesk. Instructions will be provided once access is granted by Network Services.


How do I get new or additional network access?

Your VP, Dean, Director or Manager must email the Helpdesk directly.

How do I get access to a network printer?

Send an email to the Helpdesk providing your T# and the T#/P# of the network printer you would like to use.

What is the Presenter PC password?

You must take a training session with Media Services to be provided with info about the Presenter password. The Helpdesk can log the PC in remotely if you forget the password.

How do I get a user ID or PS access for an employee?

Your VP, Dean, Director or Manager must email the Helpdesk directly.


How do I obtain specialty software?

Technical Services Software Request form must be submitted using the links in MyWCC. Login and use the appropriate link in the IT section in the middle column, toward the bottom of the page.

How do I obtain discounted software for home use?

Log in to MyWCC with your college credentials. Select the “On the Hub” link in the middle column, toward the bottom of the page.