Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Storage


What is OneDrive?

OneDrive is part of Microsoft’s Office 365, and it is their cloud-based storage option that integrates directly with other Microsoft applications including Outlook and other Office applications. OneDrive provides the WCC community with large storage capacity and convenient access to data via desktop, mobile and web clients for most common platforms. With the OneDrive client, you can access your cloud data as though it was a folder on your local disk.

 How can this be beneficial to your job?​

  • Access files from your laptop, desktop computer, cell phone, or tablet at any time.​
  • Free-up physical device storage. ​
  • Backup important files and folders. ​
  • Easily share files.​
  • Simultaneously collaborate on documents with others.
  • Integrate with other Microsoft 365 apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Forms.

WCC IT Policy

  • OneDrive cannot be used to store any confidential student or personnel data. ​
  • Do not store Personal Identifiable Information (PII)​ – Names, addresses, phone number, credit card information, or confidential college documents ​
  • Refer to IT Policy on the WCC website.

How do you get to OneDrive?​

There are two ways to access OneDrive:

  1. Website –
  2. Desktop Application
NOTE: The Desktop Application should be used only on WCC owned computers. To access OneDrive on a personal device, you should use the OneDrive website.​