
Modes of Instruction

In-Person-Classroom Instruction with Limited Capacity
Course schedule will indicate the days and times you will meet in-person; Public Health and Security guidelines will be in place to ensure safety protocols.

ONLINE (OL) – Asynchronous (Anytime with Deadlines)
No scheduled meeting times; course learning/interaction takes place online via Brightspace. Activities include online discussion boards, readings and assignment submissions; assessments completed entirely online.

ONLINE (OS) – Synchronous (Real-Time)
Instruction takes place in real-time on scheduled days and times via Brightspace and Zoom. Students are expected to participate in class on the scheduled days and times; assignment submissions/assessments are online via Brightspace.

Online (OC) – Combined (Mix of Asynchronous & Synchronous)
Combination of synchronous and asynchronous methods (see above definitions) of instruction via Brightspace and Zoom. Instructor will tell students in advance what days and times they will virtually meet.

Online (OR) – Asynchronous Online with In-Person Assessment Requirement)
Instruction takes place asynchronously online but requires students come to campus for in-person assessments. Instructor will tell students in advance what days and times they will meet on campus.

HYBRID SYNCHRONOUS (HS) – Synchronous Online & In-Person
Combination of synchronous online and in-person instruction modes. Your course will take place remotely via Brightspace and Zoom on scheduled days and times; in addition, your instructor will meet with you on campus (in-person) on scheduled days and times.

HYBRID (HY) – Asynchronous Online & In-Person
Combination of asynchronous online and in-person instruction modes. Your course will take place asynchronously via Brightspace; in addition, your instructor will meet with you on campus (in-person) on scheduled days and times.

Combination of synchronous online and in-person instruction modes. Your course will meet on campus (in-person) on scheduled days and times; however, you may attend remotely via BrightSpace and Zoom. Remote students are integrated with the live class by the instructor.