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Economic Impact

A recent economic impact report highlights the value of SUNY WCC to the community:

SUNY WCC is a primary source of higher education to Westchester County residents and a supplier of trained workers to county industries, enhancing overall productivity in the county workforce. The college promotes economic growth in Westchester County through its direct expenditures and the resulting expenditures of students and county businesses. The college serves as an employer and buyer of goods and services for its day-to-day operations. In addition, the college’s activities retain students in Westchester County, whose expenditures benefit county vendors.


Lightcast provides colleges and universities with labor market data that help create better outcomes for students, businesses, and communities. Our data, which cover more than 99% of the U.S. workforce, are compiled from a wide variety of government sources, job postings, and online profiles and résumés. Hundreds of institutions use Lightcast to align programs with regional needs, drive enrollment, connect students with in-demand careers, track their alumni’s employment outcomes, and demonstrate their institution’s economic impact on their region. Visit lightcast.io/solutions/education to learn more or connect with us.

A Big Return On Investment For:

Our Communities

Alumni and SUNY WCC operations support nearly 6,000 jobs in our communities. Altogether, the social benefits of SUNY WCC equal a present value of $929.3 million.


The average SUNY WCC graduate earns $9,600 more each year than a resident who does not obtain more than a high school diploma. SUNY WCC students enjoyed an average rate of return on their college investment of 16.4%


For every $1 invested in SUNY WCC, taxpayers get $1.40 in added tax revenue and public sector savings. Total taxpayer benefits amount to $96.6 million on taxpayer costs of $71.2 million from state and local government funding.

Please contact the WCC Foundation at [email protected] to obtain the complete report or a PowerPoint presentation of this information.