Everything You Need to Know About Online Learning

Important information about online learning

Getting Started

  1. Watch for email communication from each of your instructors. Check your MyWCC Email Account every day.  For more information please click here: FREE Microsoft Office 365 for Students.
  2. Log into your courses in Brightspace as much as possible. You should look over the layout of each of your Brightspace course shells and locate the announcements, course content, and your assignments that your professors have posted on Brightspace.
  3. Reach out to your instructors with your questions by sending them an email using your MyWCC student email account.

Tips for successful online learning

  • Physical Space/Surroundings: You will need to set up a workable space or find a location that you can be productive in, during your classwork time
  • Build a Study Plan: You will likely have to re-work your study and class ‘attendance’ schedule and you might just need to start from scratch to create a workable plan.
  • Plan ahead: Never wait until the day before an assignment due date to start working on it. It will stress you and stress will prevent you from effectively completing the online task. Furthermore, knowing when all of your assignments.
  • Have an effective calendar system: Online learning needs structure. Create a study calendar that will help you remember all important dates, like exams, or deadlines for submitting your assignments.
  • Create to-do lists: At the start of each week, make a to-do list of the tasks you need to complete by the end of the week.
  • Set time limits: Before you start studying, estimate how much time each task will take to complete, whether it is a specific assignment or simply reading a chapter.
  • Stay on schedule: Finally, stick to your study plan. Procrastination is the worst enemy of online learners, so make sure that you stay organized and you are not falling behind in your class.

6 Questions Students ask When Classes go Online

  1. What is an asynchronous online course? An asynchronous online course is one in which students and faculty only interact with others and engage course materials at different times via online discussions and email communications. Many students assume asynchronous learning is easier than an in-person course. Although there is flexibility and convenience, online asynchronous courses requires students to be very disciplined, self-directed, independent, and highly organized to meet the online course expectations set by faculty. Students in asynchronous online courses should expect to complete course work with regular deadlines, engage and collaborate with fellow students via online learning activities, and take online assessments/exams using a computer.
  1. Do I still have deadlines/assignments/tests in an online asynchronous course?

 You still have deadlines, but you won’t have your instructor reminding you in person!

  • Study your syllabus.
  • Put important dates in your phone/calendar.
  • Log into course(s) daily.
  • Check email and read announcements/messages for important updates.

If you are unclear deadlines or assignments, contact your instructor(s) immediately.

  1. How do I access my classes and submit assignments/quizzes/tests/grades?

Log into Brightspace daily to for access your syllabus, readings, grades, and announcements. This is also where you submit assignments and take quizzes or tests.

  1. Will my assignments work the same? What about class participation?

You are still responsible for the items in your course schedule. Instead, your lectures may be online and your assignments will be turned in electronically. Your instructor may use discussion posts or alternative assignments to encourage participation online.

  1. How can I access tutoring?

As a Westchester Community College student you have access to online tutoring services and an online library.

Ask-A-Tutor our online email based tutoring service will still be available to students.  For more information about Ask-A-Tutor, visit us at http://www.sunywcc.edu/academics/asc/ask-a-tutor/

You may access all the digital free online resources from the Library at: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/library/

  1. What if I have a question?

Make sure you know your instructor’s preferred method of contact. If you are not 100% certain, ask them. Instructors in an online setting can’t tell if you are tired, stressed, or confused. They no longer have the advantage of reading your body language and offering support.  It is important to be proactive in advocate for yourself.

  • Contact your instructor immediately to clarify, ask a question, or share a concern. This includes family emergencies, computer issues, or internet connectivity problems.
  • Keep your instructor in the loop. The sooner they know where you’re at, the more willing and able they will be to assist you.

Counseling and Academic Planning

Need to pick courses, check transfer credits, or plan a semester for degree completion?  The counseling office can help answer your academic questions: Counseling page.

Remember to review the Academic Calendar for important deadlines, such as application, registration, add/drop, refunds, and withdrawals.

Course Information

Each academic school  governs the creation, instructor, and cancellation (if applicable) of their online classes. For more information about the course you should contact the department which offers it. For more information about a specific course or program of study, search the Online Course Catalog.

List of Student Services