Learn More About Online Learning
What is Online Education?
Online Education, in the context of higher education, is simply any type of learning that takes place outside the traditional model of on-campus classes attended on a regular basis. I consists of a variety of learning methods including video-cassette based courses and online courses via the Internet.
What is Online learning and is it right for me?
Online Education, in the context of higher education, is simply any type of learning that takes place outside the traditional model of on-campus classes attended on a regular basis. It consists of many individual learning methods including correspondence courses, audio or video based courses (including those available on public television), on-line courses via the Internet, and independent studies. Online Education does not include classes that meet on a regular basis at extension or “satellite” campuses, nor so-called “degree completion programs” that meet on a weekly basis over a 12-18 month period. Traditionally, students come to campus for instruction; but through Online learning, the college comes to students either asynchronously (separated by time of instruction and online ) or synchronously (separated by Online only).
What type of Online learning is most effective?
Whatever works best for you. There is no one type of learning methodology that works better than any other. Some students still learn best in the traditional classroom, while others learn best through independent studies. Some can study for, and successfully pass, challenge examinations, while some students who are otherwise quite bright may test poorly but articulate their knowledge in another written or oral format.
What are the benefits of Online learning?
Most of the literature you’ll read on Online learning programs seem to stress the benefits for persons who otherwise have busy lifestyles, full-time jobs, and family commitments. These are legitimate factors, since most Online learning classes allow you to schedule your studies with a greater degree of flexibility than you can in traditional classes.
It’s also important to realize what the benefits of Online learning are not. Online Education is not any easier than traditional education, nor will your studies be any less comprehensive. If you’re looking for an easy way out, this isn’t it. In fact, because you don’t have the face to face interaction with professors, Online learning usually requires more motivation and energy than its traditional counterpart.
Who might take a Online learning course?
Place bound students, students kept at home by family responsibilities or illness or handicap.
Students with busy personal or job schedules,students who work on shifts, who travel a great deal or whose heavy responsibilities at home or work do not allow time for regular classroom attendance.
Students who enjoy independent learning, who are disciplined and organized learners and don’t need face-to-face interaction with a faculty member or other students.