
Online Student Policies and Procedures Manual

Course Expectations

Be sure that you understand your teacher’s expectations for the online course. Read the course outline and getting started pages very carefully, noting due dates of activities, quizzes, and assignments, and printing materials if desired. If you have any questions about what you are expected to do in the course, contact your professor immediately by Brightspace email or by using the other contact information given on the course information pages. Do not contact your instructor for technical support that is unrelated to course content (see below).

Some common activities that you may be expected to do in your online course are as follows:

  • reading and taking notes on course material,
  • participating in online discussions,
  • taking online quizzes,
  • submitting assignments to the online assignment drop-box,
  • communicating with your professor and/or classmates by email.

When taking an online course, you should expect

  • to have access to your course one week prior to the beginning of the semester (online classes only),
  • to receive timely responses to your email from your professor,
  • to be aware of your standing in the course by the midterm notification deadline,
  • to have the opportunity to withdraw from the course before the deadline to withdraw and receive a grade of “W”.

Student Guidelines for Online Interaction

Students have the right to express themselves and participate freely in an online class. However, they are expected to treat each other and the instructor with courtesy and respect. Offensive or inappropriate language is not to be used in any form of communication e.g., emails, discussion postings, group projects, submitted assignments. Students are allowed to disagree with each other or the instructor but must do so in a civil manner.

The discussion area of the course is reserved for postings related to course work only. Postings of a personal or nonacademic nature are not permitted and may be removed by the instructor should they appear. Grades and personal issues should be handled by private email to the instructor. Emails to the instructor that are considered offensive or inappropriate will be sent back to the writer with a request to rewrite and resubmit.

Classroom Conduct Policy

Students may view the college’s classroom conduct policy, that includes online learning and communication, via this webpage:

Academic Honesty and Student Policies

  • All applicable college policies regarding student affairs should be adhered to at all times. Visit the Academic Honesty Policy webpage to read the complete policies.


Instructors are able to track your activities online and you will be expected to log in to your course regularly in order to keep up with the course material and assignments. Attendance in online classes is defined by federal regulation on distance learning as the active participation in an online discussion forum, digital submission of a writing assignment, or a completion of a quiz/test/exam.