Logo Signature System

Logo Signature System

The logo signature system is built upon the college logo and features the icon alongside a modified wordmark that identifies units of the institution. This pairing blends cohesively but also sets the unit name apart to clearly identify divisions, departments, and offices. Aligning with the overall college brand promotes instant public recognition, strengthening the reputations of both the college and the unit. Logos created within the signature system are clear and legible with great functionality at various sizes and distances.

Center for Teaching & Learning logo
Example of a logo created within the system

Using Logos Created Within the Signature System

Logos created within the signature system, including logos for locations, are to be use in unit specific instances, such as targeted communications. For broader communications, the SUNY Westchester Community College logo should be used.

Can We Use Our Own Logo?

Brand strength is increased when all units associate themselves with the college through a consistent logo system. Creative Communications does not assist with the creation of custom logos for schools, departments, divisions, or offices that fall under the umbrella of the college. Instead, a logo should be created within the signature system.

Request a Logo for your Department or Office

Need a logo created for you department/office/unit? Visit the Creative Communications page to request a logo for your unit within the logo signature system.