
SUNY Westchester Community College’s official typeface is the Source Sans Pro family of fonts. This sans serif typeface is clear and easy to read on the web, digital displays, and in print. The Source Sans Pro font family, as well as the other fonts featured below are installed for use on all college computers. If you are an employee in need of help with font availability, please contact the Help Desk by email at [email protected] or by phone at 914-606-6665.

Official typeface and other recommendations

Source Sans Pro Bold

Source Sans Pro Bold should be used for headlines and titles.

Source Sans Pro Semibold

Source Sans Pro Semibold should be used for subheadings and emphasis.
Source Sans Pro Semibold Typeface Specimen

Source Sans Pro Regular

Source Sans Pro Regular should be used for body copy and paragraph text.
Source Sans Pro Regular Typeface Specimen

Times New Roman

Times New Roman is an alternative option for body copy and paragraph text. In cases where there is a large amount of text, this serif font provides increased legibility.
Times New Roman Typeface Specimen