Video Guidelines

Video content should be a reflection of the SUNY Westchester Community College brand. Messaging, storytelling, composition, and lighting are a few important elements to keep in mind when producing videos. Poorly produced videos negatively impact perceptions of the college. It is also important to be aware of copyright and licensing. Never use images, music, or footage that you do not have the rights to use.

Video Production Tips

  • Tell a clear story with your video. Stay focused. Brevity is key for social media: ten seconds to one minute is enough to make an impact.
  • Production value can make or break a video. Well framed and lit footage with properly recorded audio reflects the quality of SUNY WCC.
  • Editing should be purposeful and should not distract from the message.
  • Text should be set in one of the approved typefaces. This applies to titles, lower-thirds and any other on screen text.

Video Requests

Do you have an idea for a video to promote your program, your department’s services, or a college event? Visit the Creative Communications page to submit a request.

Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee video production or editing. Requests are handled based on priority and available resources.