
Consistently using the official name of the college and its units is an important aspect of the college’s verbal identity that builds recognition and prevents confusion.

The College’s Full Name and Approved Abbreviations

Whenever possible, the college should be referred to as SUNY Westchester Community College.

After the college has been identified in writing by its proper name, it is also acceptable to use references like “SUNY WCC,” “the institution,” “we,” “us,” “our,” and “the college.” Do not capitalize the “c” when referring to the institution as “the college.”

The college would like to thank you for your support.

Acceptable Abbreviations of the College’s Name

  • SUNY Westchester

Legacy Names (No Longer Acceptable)

Below are a few examples of names that may have been used in the past, but should no longer be used:

  • SUNY/Westchester Community College
  • Westchester CC
  • WCC

Rare exceptions may be made in cases where space limitations will not allow use of our full name. For example, you may see WCC printed on decals, pens, flash drives, or any other very small items branded by the college. It is also used in some online graphics, web addresses, and social media hashtags where space is limited (for example MyWCC).


SUNY Westchester Community College consists of 5 schools. These names should be punctuated and capitalized as follows:

School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Business and Professional Careers
School of Health Careers, Technology and Applied Learning
School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Center for Learning Resources, Library, Media and Instructional Technology

Main Campus:

SUNY Westchester Valhalla

Extension Locations:

SUNY Westchester Mount Vernon
SUNY Westchester Ossining
SUNY Westchester Peekskill
SUNY Westchester Yonkers

Other locations:

Mahopac High School
The Ursuline School
Westchester Educational Opportunity Center (SUNY Westchester Community College administers this adult education institution)
SUNY Westchester Valhalla Buildings and Services

Please refer to the following list for the official abbreviations and names of buildings and departments at SUNY Westchester Valhalla:

AAB – Hankin Academic Arts Building
ADM – Administration Building
BK – Bookstore
CLA – Classroom Building
GTW – Gateway Center
HH – Hartford Hall
HSC – Health Sciences Building
KNC – Knollwood Center
LIB – Harold L. Drimmer Library
NPC – Native Plant Center
PEB – Physical Education Building
SCI – Science Building
STC – David Swope Student Center
TEC – Technology Building
VMCC – Virginia Marx Children’s Center

Other commonly referenced departments and offices:

Academic Support Center
Bursar’s Office
Career Services
English Language Institute
Health Services
Mental Health and Counseling Services
Office of Admissions
Registrar’s Office
Testing and Assessment Center
Westchester Community College Foundation
Workforce Development and Community Education
Veterans Services