
Westchester Community College Foundation

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Paying for College

SUNY Westchester Community College has streamlined its scholarship process. For the majority of our scholarships, an application is not required. Our goal is to make it easier for more students to benefit from these awards. This process will allow the college to provide a comprehensive financial assistance package in a timelier manner. Students are encouraged to file annually and as early as possible. Awards will not be renewed without one of the appropriate applications on file.

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Alumni Involvement

The Office of Alumni Engagement

The Office of Alumni Engagement exists to build meaningful relationships among a network of alumni and friends with access to the campus community and the life-changing education it provides…together we support alumni, students, and the college community. As the alumni programs continue to evolve, updates are being made to the electronic communications including the monthly e-newsletter, The Viking Voice, this alumni website, and social media. The opportunities for engagement also continue to grow in the way of social events, volunteerism, and educational programs available to you.


The Native Plant Center

Learn about Native Plants

The Native Plant Center was established in 1998 under the auspices of the Westchester Community College Foundation as the first national affiliate of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas. The following year, in 1999, Lady Bird Johnson and her daughters, Lynda Johnson Robb and Luci Baines Johnson, visited the Westchester Community College campus for the dedication of The Native Plant Center’s demonstration garden named for the First Lady.