Career Exploration
Take Career Assessment
Take a Career Assessment to learn about yourself and Career Coach will give you career suggestions based on your interests.
Browse Careers
Browse or search for careers and we will give you relevant data on wages, employment, and the training you need.
Browse Programs
Browse or search for the available Programs that lead to the career you want.
Career Services 4-Semester Plan and Beyond
Are you confused about your career path and/or college major? Are you looking for a job or internship and would like help with your search?
The counselors in Career Services are here to assist you. Call, email or stop by the second floor of the student center and schedule a one-on-one career counseling appointment. Access our on-line career exploration, job search tools, and attend workshops and other events. Our goal is to assist you in achieving your desired career goals.
First Semester
- Get an early start on your career planning by visiting Career Services to learn about potential programs and services designed specifically for first year students.
- Visit the Career Services website regularly
- Look for extracurricular opportunities and activities. The best way to make a smooth transition to college life is to get involved. This can also enhance your resume.
- Think about the types of activities and classes you have enjoyed so far to begin to get an idea about the topics and skills you are most passionate about. Review Degree Program
- Schedule a career assessment through Career Services to understand how your interests,values, skills and personality may relate to potential majors and careers. We offer the following options: Career Coach, FOCUS 2MBTI, 16 Personality Test, Strengths Finder
Second Semester
- As you explore majors and career options, talk to professionals on campus that have knowledge about the fields you are considering.
- Use our Candid Career tool to listen to professionals in your fields of interest
- Work with Career Services to develop a professional resume/cover letter
- Create a portfolio of academic and extracurricular projects and achievements that can be shared with potential employers
- Attend workshops and programs offered by Career Services to expand your knowledge of career and job related issues
- Go to the WCC library page for additional career resources
- Create an account on our online job board– CCN to look for summer jobs, FT/PT opportunities related to your career interests as well as register for workshops and programs sponsored by Career Services
- Find a mentor
- Conduct an informational interview
Third Semester
- Develop a professional online image; clean up any “digitaldirt” on your current profiles
- Create a LinkedIn profile & E-portfolio documenting your involvement and accomplishments on campus and in your community
- Seek internship, applied learning and/or volunteer options to begin to gain experience in your field of interest and help affirm your career choice
- Learn about effective interviewing skills; review your accomplishments to develop your “one second commercial/Elevator Pitch”
- Practice your interviewing skills to increase your self-confidence
- Expand your network of professionals and keep them informed of your academic/career progress
- Apply for scholarships
- Connect with Transfer Services to learn about degree and major transfer options at 4 year SUNY Schools.
- Attend Transfer Fair.
Final Semester & Beyond
- Review Career Readiness Skills
- Polish/refine your resume and career portfolio
- Create a Job Search Strategies & Networking Plan
- Look for opportunities on the CCN job board & other sites
- Attend workshops specifically geared towards preparing for interviews and job fair so Complete a mock interview with a Career Counsel or
- Attend the annual Career Fair/Expo
- Work directly with a Career Counselor to secure a FT or Summer opportunity; further enhancing your employability
- Evaluate your professional interview and work clothes
- Seek out professional organizations related to your field, especially those with student chapters; learn more about your future career
- Remember that Career Services is yours for life! Alumni are always welcome to meet with us and use our services Strengths Finder
Career Exploration Tools
What Can I Do with this Major?
Visit What Can I Do with this Major? to learn about the typical career areas and the types of employers that hire people with your major.
Big Interview
Use Big Interview to learn and practice your interview skills. This is a great mock interviewing tool!
Contact Career Services for an access code.
Candid Career Videos
Visit Candid Career videos for interviews with real working professionals about their actual experiences in their career.