About the SGA

The Student Government Association was created to represent the student body’s best interest by effectively communicating and collaborating with administration, staff, faculty, and students to enhance the college community.

The SGA consists of the Executive Board, the Student Senate, the Finance Committee, the Club Affairs Committee, and the Civic Engagement Committee. These bodies provide student input on various campus issues, offer guidance and oversight to clubs on campus, administer portions of the student activity fee, and ensure campus engagement with various civic duties.

Every semester, the SGA hosts a town hall to address any student issues and concerns. The SGA also hosts the annual Recognition Ceremony each April, to celebrate the achievements of our student leaders and campus clubs and their impact on the college community.

Position Expertise Email
President General Student Concerns [email protected]
Vice President Club Status and Starting a New Club [email protected]
Treasurer Club Finances [email protected]
Secretary SGA Elections and Civic Engagement Opportunities [email protected]
Director of Public Relations SGA Social Media and Email Notifications [email protected]
Student Trustee General Student Concerns [email protected]



SUNY Student Assembly:

The Student Assembly of the State University of New York, known as SUNY SA, is an organization comprised of student leaders who are elected by their peers from across SUNY’s 64 distinguished campuses. The Student Assembly is the official organization by which University students participate in University-wide Shared-Governance. The Student Assembly serves as a forum for consultation and the exchange of information between University students, the Chancellor, and the University Board of Trustees on matters of a University-wide nature that affect student concerns. The Student Assembly also serves as a communications network for campus student government leaders.

To learn more about SUNY SA Click Here

Be Part of SGA

If you feel drawn to efforts to uphold the integrity and harmony of the student body by being its representative, the Student Government Association is the organization for you!


Run for SGA Executive Board:

The Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the official voice of the student body. The Executive Board of the SGA concerns itself with all aspects of the Association, including, but not limited to: (1) The finances the SGA receives from their portion of the student activity fee; (2) Policies for the SGA and the College; (3) Recognition and management of student-run clubs/organizations of the Association. Being an Executive Board member is an exciting opportunity for students to have an active role in student and academic life at the College.

  • Annual elections take place in late March and early April
  • Eligibility
  • Executive Board members must: (1) maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5; (2) be enrolled in at least six credits each semester of their term; (3) be in good judicial and academic standing at the College, and (4) meet the other criteria of membership in the SGA.

SGA members may serve a maximum of two, one-year terms or a maximum of four semesters in total on the Executive Board.

Duties/Commitment Requirement
  1. The Executive Board shall be the primary committee to guide the SGA in the best interest of the student body.  All SGA committees are responsible to the Executive Board.  The Executive Board shall act to uphold this Constitution.
  2. The Executive Board shall be responsible for interpreting the wording of this constitution and will review all interpretations made by other committees.
  3. The Executive Board shall oversee and set policy with regard to the use of SGA property and the SGA offices, with approval from the Department of Student Involvement.
  4. The Executive Board shall be concerned with all areas of the Student Government Association and may take necessary action with regards to these areas when deemed absolutely necessary, including such cases where SGA Committees or bodies are unable to meet but decisions are required.  The only exception to this clause will be amending the Constitution.

Run for SGA Senate

The Senate is the legislative branch of the SGA.  It is a forum that serves as the liaison between students and college officials.  Its chief role is to deliberate, approve, and set policies that are pertinent to the student body and the operations of the SGA.

  • Annual elections in September
  • Eligibility
  • SGA Senators must: (1) maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; (2) be enrolled in at least six credits each semester of their term; (3) be in good judicial and academic standing at the College, and (4) meet the other criteria of membership in the SGA.

SGA members may serve a maximum of two, one-year terms or a maximum of four semesters in total on the Senate.

Duties/Commitment Requirement
  1. The student body shall elect eight to thirteen voting members of the Senate.
  2. Senators shall take action in the best interests of the student body.


  1. Nomination Forms can be found here
  2. Learn about the SGA Executive Board members’ experiences here
  3. Learn more about the positions available and the candidate requirements here

Complete the nomination form by Wednesday, March 20th, BEFORE 10:00 AM.

Serve on an SGA Committee

Committee appointments are on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. To find out more about existing committees and available opportunities contact the SGA President at [email protected]