Accessibility Services
Mission Statement
The mission of Accessibility Services at SUNY Westchester Community College (SUNY WCC) is to provide all students with a documented disability a supportive and accessible environment to ensure the opportunity for these students to maximize their potential to learn, develop confidence, and become independent.
Final Exam Test Room Booking Appointments
You are strongly encouraged to schedule a TEST Room Booking for all your final exams prior to 12/13/2024 to ensure your accommodations are in place.
Students requesting to use their accommodations during the Winter 2025 semester, can complete a Semester Request 12/18/2024 – 12/23/2024. If you submit a Semester Request between 12/24/2023 -1/1/2024, it will be processed on 1/2/2024 when the college returns from the winter break.
Please note: the Accessibility Services email and voicemail will NOT be monitored during this time.
Accessibility Services is now using a NEW communication platform, ACCOMMODATE! This program will enable students to submit disability documentation, sign up for accommodations and schedule testing appointments. To learn more,
Guidelines & Procedures
See Accessbility Services Guidelines and Procedures here. As a result of an evaluation conducted by AHEAD (Association on Higher Education And Disability), our current Guidelines and Procedures are in the process of being modified. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
We now have Virtual Open Office Hours for students, faculty and staff!
Wednesdays: 12:00-1:00 PM
Thursdays: 4:00-5:00 PM
Register to Vote
For more information regarding voter registration, visit New York State’s Board of Election website, or to download a voter registration form.