Two students talking on campus outside

Transferring ECE College Credits

For more regarding transcripts, please visit the links below

Once you register for an ECE college credit course, you are officially registered as a Westchester Community College pre-college student and your course and grades are kept on record with the college (this includes credits and grades). If you decide to matriculate to Westchester Community College as a college student, you do not need to take any action. Your ECE college credits – and grades – will be transferred automatically within the Westchester Community College system. If you decide to enroll at a college other than Westchester Community College, and you want to transfer the college credit you earned through ECE, you will need an official copy of your transcript.

Official Transcripts

  1. Make sure you know the official college course title (ie. ENG 101 – Writing & Research, and not Senior Year Writing Seminar Honors, which is what your school may have called the course) and when (semester, year) you took the class.
  2. View an unofficial copy of your transcript by accessing your account through the MyWCC Student Center page.
  3. Request an Official copy of your transcript either online, through the mail, or by fax. For more information, visit the Transcripts page.
  4. Contact the Admissions Office of the college you will be attending to make sure you are following all of their procedures for requesting credit transfer.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that credit-transfer policies vary from college to college. While some schools will grant you full credit, others may assign you fewer credits than you earned—or simply fail to accept your credits altogether. When you are ready to transfer credits, be sure to contact the Admissions Office of the college you will be attending to learn more about their policies and procedures for credit transfer.