New Student Registration
Definition of a “New Student”
For the purposes of registration, a “New Student” is anyone who has never taken a credit course at Westchester Community College, or any of its extension sites. If you are coming right out of High School, transferring from another college or university, or returning to school (but new to Westchester Community College), this is where you’ll find the information you will need to register.
Application Process
Before new students can register for credit classes at Westchester Community College, even if only taking one course, an application needs to be submitted. Visit the Admissions Information Page to find out more about this process and to download an Application Form.
If you are looking to register for Non-Credit classes only, no application is necessary. Click here to find out about Non-Credit Registration.
Pre-Registration Requirements
Once you’ve received your letter of acceptance into Westchester Community College, you’ll need one or two more things before you register. These are
- Immunization Records (if you plan to register for more than 5 credits)
These documents must be presented to the Health Office.
Methods of Registration
New students must register in person for Spring and Fall semesters. The Registrar’s Office is located in room 107 of the administration building on Westchester Community College’s Main Campus in Valhalla, NY. Maps & Directions
Students can register using the College’s Online Registration System. (MyWCC)
Registration Process
Once you have been accepted and have all of the Pre-Registration paperwork (described above), you may register for classes. New students must visit the Admissions Office (in Admin Bldg, Room 210) before registering to ensure that all registration requirements have been met.
- Registration for classes occurs during a specific period of time each semester. Don’t miss your window of opportunity, find out the registration Dates & Deadlines for upcoming semesters.
- You can check on the availability of specific classes online. Check Course Availability On-line.
If you plan to repeat a course in which a D or better was earned, and have financial aid, you must consult a financial aid counselor.
Note: You may need to submit full payment at the time of registration in order to avoid cancellation of your registration. Consult the appropriate Course Schedule for further details.