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Dean’s Message

Welcome Message from the Dean

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the School of Business and Professional Careers at SUNY Westchester Community College. Today, we live in a world that is interconnected, and in our school, we are excited to show you how those interconnections function. First, at the beginning of every semester, you will be invited to a school orientation where you will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with your professors, your secretaries, and me, your dean. During this orientation process, you will learn about your program’s learning objectives and how to maximize your time in the school by taking the right courses which will help you graduate on time. Second, we are committed to your success. Our faculty are experts in their areas of knowledge, and they are anxious to show you all the club activities where you will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills and be connected with our alumni and executives from private, government, and nonprofit organizations. In addition, our faculty will recommend to you tutorials, internships, and volunteer work available for each specific course.

Finally, you are part of the future of our school, and I would like to share with you the vision of our school that was defined through a collective effort of our staff, faculty, and me.

The School of Business and Professional Careers is recognized regionally and nationally as a leader in providing academically rigorous degree and certificate programs in business and professional careers for a vastly diverse population of student learners in Westchester County and beyond. The degrees and certificate programs are well-aligned with the demands of the current workforce, higher-level educational institutions, and individual learning goals. The school is a model of social change and upward economic mobility.

Your first homework assignment is to answer these questions: what did you learn from this welcome message? How are you going to contribute to the achievement of the vision of your School of Business and Professional Careers? Please share those answers with the curriculum chair of your program, and we will review together those answers.

With gratitude,

Dean School of Business and Professional Careers
Carmen L. Martínez-López, Ph.D.