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A Message from the President


In the days and weeks leading up to the 2024-25 school year, there has been a strong sense of excitement among our returning students and those who are new to our campus. What our returning students already know, and our new students will soon learn, is that SUNY Westchester Community College is a student-ready college. We are dedicated to the success of all our students, recognizing and addressing student needs collectively and individually.

Our students are instructed by award-winning faculty, whether online or in person at any of our 5 locations across the county. Students can pursue a degree or certificate in any of 65 different programs, including such high-demand fields as Cybersecurity, Health Information Technology, Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, and Advanced Manufacturing. Students can expand their worldview and gain a strong foundation for further studies in various liberal arts and humanities studies, including Communications, Psychology, or Sociology. SUNY WCC also offers programs in technical fields such as Computer Science, Engineering Science, and Accounting.

SUNY WCC provides students with resources and co-curricular experiences that support their academic, social, mental, and emotional needs. Students seeking support can reach out to our Health Services office and Department of Mental Health and Counseling Services. We offer free tutoring through our Academic Support Center, and our Office of Student Success supports students at every stage of their educational journey. For students facing personal or family challenges, we offer individualized success plans, case management, innovative programming and referrals to a network of providers to improve student wellness and success.

Students who wish to reach their goals faster, whether entering the job market or transferring to a university, can register for 15 credits per semester, which leads to on-time graduation, higher grades, increased lifetime earnings, and savings on tuition costs.

On the technology front, we are integrating our website’s chatbot with our student information system (PeopleSoft) so students can seamlessly find information about their account and records. In addition, we will soon be launching a newly-designed website that will be streamlined and easier to navigate and find information our users are searching for.

SUNY Westchester cultivates personal growth by providing an open and welcoming environment where thousands of people from diverse backgrounds share ideas and experiences. Students come here to learn about themselves, develop individual perspectives, and exchange ideas through civil discourse.

Students who wish to better understand the historical, political or social factors underlying current events can access the rich resources available through our Harold L. Drimmer Library, including free access to a wide selection of media such as HBO documentaries, PBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and Newsweek, as well as a team of librarians available via live chat to address specific information needs.

SUNY WCC was ranked 21st nationwide among all 2-year colleges in the measurement of upward mobility for its students. Furthermore, a recent economic impact analysis determined that students gain an additional $4.10 in lifetime earnings for every $1 they spend on their SUNY WCC education, which is why students recognize that SUNY WCC is a great investment in themselves.

Our college motto, Building Minds and Building Futures, is a reminder of how we prepare students for career and transfer opportunities that lie ahead. Our seal contains the phrase Sapere Aude – the Latin phrase meaning “Dare to Know” – which reflects our commitment to knowledge and learning as keys that unlock the door to that future. Together, these ideas guide our work to strengthen our society, prepare our students as contributors, and achieve higher pursuits.

Belinda S. Miles