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Community Resources

Continuing Education

The Division of Workforce Development and Community Education offers a wide range of affordable, high-quality, non-credit courses for adults, teens, children and seniors including leisure and enrichment opportunities.

Programs for Youths

The Youth Arts Technology program is a STEAM program focused on engaging youth in arts technology integration that will better prepare them for advanced study and work in the 21st century. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) focuses on the hybridization of art and science and develops critical creative thinking. Summer Youth Arts

Technology Program

Early College Experience Program

The Early College Experience Program is an academic partnership between Westchester Community College and area high schools, which enables high school students to enroll in college level classes and earn college credit during their final year(s) of high school.

Early College Experience Program

Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH)

New York State Pathways in Technology (NYS P-TECH) program

is a unique partnership that brings together high school, college, and industry to reimagine the way that New York students are prepared for high-skills jobs of the future. The NYS P-TECH model is a 6-year program (grades 9-14) focused on developing students’ knowledge and skills needed for to today’s high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand career areas in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

New York State Pathways in Technology (NYS P-TECH) program 

Activities for Adults 50 and Older

Collegium for Lifelong Learning features courses on a variety of topics, all led by exceptional volunteers. Participants are encouraged to engage in classroom discussion, and the schedule allows for informal discussion between sessions and during breaks. Collegium is held on Wednesdays and Fridays in spring and fall semesters, and on Wednesdays in winter.

Senior Audit

Westchester County residents 60 years of age or older may audit select credit courses on a space-available basis during fall and spring semesters.

Collegium for Lifelong Learning

English Language Institute

SUNY Westchester Community College’ English Language Institute, established in 1989, is the largest such program in the SUNY system. Learners at all levels of English proficiency are served at various college locations throughout the county and online. These learners are from roughly 80 countries and speak 40 first languages.

Recreation & Leisure

Viking Gymnasium, Fitness Center, Pool, Tennis Courts, and Weight Room

For details on using the SUNY Westchester Community College athletic facilities, click here. [URL needed]

[NOTE: Will need a page in Athletics for Recreation that is an unchanging URL. Right now it’s the ever-changing recreation schedule. Copy on that landing page can include:

Viking Gymnasium is located inside the Physical Education Building on campus (Parking Lot 8,9,10). It can seat up to 1,000 people for multiple events.

The Fitness Center is located on the main level of the Physical Education Building near the stairwell of the Women’s locker room. Inside the center is mostly cable machines as well as treadmills and bikes. It also has a Bluetooth stereo for your choice of workout music.

Other Facilities Include

  • Pool
  • Tennis Courts
  • Weight Room
  • Soccer, baseball, football fields

Native Plant Center Demonstration Gardens

The Native Plant Center’s demonstration gardens on the Westchester Community College campus in Valhalla showcase native plants and are meant to educate and inspire people to incorporate native plants in their own landscapes. The gardens are open to the public free of charge daily until dusk.

Learn More


Art Gallery

The Art Gallery at SUNY Westchester Community College is located on the third floor of the Hankin Academic Arts Building. Exhibitions and receptions are free and open to the public. To learn about current and past exhibits, click here.

Facilities Tours and Rentals

Change tab title to Facilities Rentals Facilities Use & Rental

Move the entire page to this location. This will be the new home for this info.

Dining Culinary Arts Café

Student chefs and managers, under the direction of experienced faculty, develop the unique themed dining experience. The class plans, cooks, and serves each luncheon event. It is a wonderful dining and educational experience for the guests and students alike.

For more information and reservations, click here.

Volunteer Opportunities