VMCC Family Community Read Program

The Literacy Program at VMCC

The VMCC Family Community Read (VMCC-FCR) Program at Virginia Marx Children’s Center is a fun reading program that encourages early literacy. Early literacy is one of the most important elements of a child’s development and it is a vital part of their success. It is the foundation for reading, writing, communicating and socializing. Launched in December 2020, the VMCC Family Community Read is developed to expand children’s access to books in places where they learn, live and play. Adults are encouraged to read to children which will help them to develop critical thinking skills and expand their vocabulary. Each month, VMCC children and teachers eagerly await the arrival of another book to read. These monthly allotments of books are made possible through the gift of a generous donor. Parents get to join in the fun by reading the books at home with their child, and the teachers get to read along in the classroom and plan lessons around each book or related topic. We encourage feedback from parents about their child’s experience while reading the monthly books.


“Dear Book Fairy,

Thank you so much for gifting us the joy of reading! Luca just turned 3 years old & is already starting to spell words and can recite some of his most favorite books!

We can tell he knows these books as well as he does because he is reading them in school as well as at home. We look forward to receiving our book each much. Your kindness makes such a positive impact on our children & we’re so grateful. Thank you.”

“ Our family loves books, and it’s been a real dream to be able to see so many new and fascinating books on a consistent basis. My daughter is becoming familiar with letters and learning to spell. We read the books at home, and she especially enjoys keeping a couple in the car at all times to read independently! The program is such a motivator for her.”

“Thank you so much for your generous and thoughtful grant that allows my son to have a new book every month. My son is eighteen months old, as you know this is a pivotal time in his development physically and mentally. When we bring home the book each month, he is so excited and we spend weeks reading it everyday and he constantly reaches for it at home for me and his father to sit with him. This is such a beautiful gesture and I cannot tell you how much it has meant to our family. Our son is so excited by books and a huge part of that is because of the books we receive from Virginia Marx. Thank you again.”

“Our boys love the Book Program. They are so excited on “new book day” each month, and usually begins asking when the next one will be within a few days of getting the last one! It has been so great to build out our home library with books we may not have otherwise encountered. Thank you, Book Fairy!”

“Thank you so much for your generous gift to the children of the VMCC. Our son experiences so much joy reading his monthly books. He asks us to read them with him over and over again, and he absolutely loves the selections. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts”.