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New Veterans Checklist

Step 1. Submit your Application for Admission (In-person or Online)

In-person procedure

Veterans and dependents should bring their completed application, to the Veterans Resource Office located in the Student Center Building, room 013 or submit their application directly to:

Westchester Community College
Office of Admissions
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595

Note: Veterans do not pay an application fee. Be sure to check off the Veterans box to indicate that you are a veteran on your application.

Online Procedure

Apply here

Step 2. Request/Submit Official Transcripts

HS Transcripts or GED Recipients

Applicants need to provide an official copy of their final high school transcripts or a copy of their high school diploma to the Westchester Community College Office of Admissions. Contact your high school if you don’t have an official copy to provide. GED Recipients: Students who have earned a High School Equivalency Diploma (GED) must submit an official copy of their GED along with the associated score sheet.

College Transfers

In addition to submitting an official high school transcript, students transferring into Westchester Community College should contact all previously attended colleges and request that official transcripts be forwarded directly to the Transfer Credit Evaluator in the Registrar’s office. Official transcripts can be emailed directly from the former college to [email protected].

*Please include College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placement (AP) scores if applicable.

Submit High School – GED & College Transfer Info Here

Joint Services Transcript

All veterans should submit an official copy of their Joint Services Transcript. They can have an official copy of their JST sent to the Registrar’s office at [email protected]

Joint Services Transcripts here

Step 3. Submit Immunization Records

New York State Public Health laws require all students to sign the Meningitis Response Form. To download a copy of this form, please visit All students taking 6 or more credits and who were born on or after January 1, 1957 must also provide proof of immunity for measles, mumps, rubella and Meningococcal Meningitis . Documentation should be submitted with the application or it may be mailed or faxed to the Health Office in the Student Center (Fax: 914-606-6423). Download Form in PDF format here

Step 4. Placement Testing

In order to ensure that every student has the greatest chance for academic success,Westchester Community College has a mandatory placement testing policy for all new full- and part-time students. The placement examination is a series of short placement tests used to assess students’ competency levels in English, reading, and mathematics. The results are used to assist Academic Advisors as they help students plan their educational program at the college. Transfer students who have successfully completed college-level English and/or mathematics courses with a grade of “C” (2.0 on 4.0 scale) or better will be waived from all or part of the placement test. More information about placement testing, including the testing schedule, can be found online at

Step 5. Apply for your VA Educational Benefits

If you intend to use your GI Bill TM benefits you must obtain a copy of your CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY (COE) and submit it to the Veterans Resource Office. Your COE can be obtained using the Veterans Online Application (VONAPP) at: or by submitting a 22-1990 to the VA Eastern Regional Office. Additional Benefits:

  • Use VA Form 22-5490 when a spouse or dependent is applying for educational benefits under Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance (DEA)
  • Our online Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) orientation can help you decide if this program can assist you in finding good employment or living independently. We encourage you to go through the orientation before you fill out the application.

Step 6. Apply for Financial Aid

All veterans and dependents, even those using GI Bill TM benefits should apply for financial aid.

Financial aid is available through the Office of Student Financial Assistance in the Administration Building. Students wishing to apply for financial aid are urged to complete their financial aid applications online at

The 2024–25 FAFSA form is now available.  Learn more about 2024–25 FAFSA updates.

Step 7. Advisement and Registration

All first-time matriculated students are required to meet with an Academic Advisor who will assist them in the process of class registration. After completing steps 1-4, call the Office of Counseling and Student Development at 914-606-6572 to make an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor. The Academic Advisor will discuss your academic/career goals with you, review your academic record and placement test results, and assist you in completing the registration process.

Make an Appointment Here

Step 8. Request for Educational Benefit Certification

After registering for classes, please submit a request for educational benefit certification

Request Certification Here