Student Financial Health Initiative

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Student Financial Health Initiative, whose goal will be to elevate, expand, and support financial wellness programs at community colleges and other institutions in our region.

The objective of this initiative will be to use the experience gained from our financial coaching program to share our strategies and best practices with other community colleges and partner organizations. We hope that this will enable institutions to introduce new programs or expand activities targeted to financial wellness on their campuses.

Thanks to the continued support of JPMorgan Chase, Westchester Community College has the opportunity to take a leading role in this two-year effort to advocate for campus interventions that help students build financial capability.

The Student Financial Health Initiative was designed to address the fact that many college students and young adults today are lacking the skills and knowledge to manage their financial lives. Due to budgetary constraints, colleges may also lack the resources to offer their students a robust set of educational and behavioral tools to around money management and personal finance.

Key objectives include:

  • Forming a community of practice, which will include college administrators, program directors, financial aid officers, and other leaders who are engaged in efforts to promote student financial health on their campuses;
  • Connecting participating colleges with practitioners and experts from the financial capability field, including those associated with national organizations, public agencies, and community organizations, to help identify a range of products, services and technology that can be utilized by colleges in a cost-effective way;
  • Disseminating relevant findings and resources in various ways, through convenings, briefings and seminars, as well as through online media; and
  • Identifying research data and other evidence to help college leaders build a business case for financial capability programs and to support funding initiatives.

Please join our initiative!

We invite any college educator or administrator committed to improving student financial health to join our initiative, either to participate in our advisory panel or to take advantage of the resources, webinars and convenings that we will be offering.  For more information, please contact:

Dr Nafisah Graham-Brown
Program Administrator
Center for Financial and Economic Education
Westchester Community College
[email protected]