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Sustainability Projects & Initiatives

Welcome to the website for Sustainability at Westchester Community College. Documenting sustainability initiatives across departments, disciplines and campuses.
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Learn more about the WCC 511NY RIDESHARE program, supported by the Sustainability Transportation Committee and Student Government Association, here.

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Green Initiatives

Read about our campus initiatives such as the Gateway Community Organic Garden, the Native Plant Center, and HVAC services.

Credit Courses

Learn more about Environmental Science A.S. programs here. Dive into topics like sustainability, global climate change, and natural resource management, and prepare to transfer into a Bachelor’s degree program in Environmental Science.

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Non-Credit Courses

Explore non-credit courses like “Bright Futures” academic programs in Engineering, Environmental Studies, and Science at Westchester Community College. Additionally, find specialized certificates in Sustainable Vegetable Production, Native Plant Gardening, Fiber Optics, and Home Inspection.