
The mission of the School of Health Sciences and Wellness is to provide value beyond a grade and assist in developing caring, committed professionals. Programs strive to maintain the highest industry standard through ongoing quality improvement and national accreditations.

Each program provides a rigorous, structured curriculum designed to foster critical thinking by directing the student’s ability to collect information, interpret its significance, and draw conclusions. Classroom experiences establish a foundation of concepts that provide the rationalization for why procedures are performed. Laboratory and clinical experiences build on this foundation by demonstrating how concepts, theories and models are applied to career-specific environments. These guided, hands-on opportunities are designed to develop skillful techniques and lead students toward clinical competency.

Professors facilitate students’ professional growth by serving as mentors who model appropriate skills; problem solving and decision making, collaboration, interpersonal and professional communication. Committed to developing students into compassionate professionals, faculty are devoted to engendering skills and empathy to positively influence the quality of life and advance teaching and learning in their field.

A successful student in our School embraces education as a personal responsibility by learning the most from each opportunity and critically considering how each is relevant to her/his goals. Utilizing a career-centered approach that is rich with didactic, laboratory and clinical experiences, the School is here to start students on a journey of service to the community with a commitment to lifelong educational advancement.


About George
George Contreras
George Contreras
Dean of Health Careers, Technology and Applied Learning
About George