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Workforce Development

A wide range of programs designed to advance you personally and professionally.

Achieve Your Goals Around Your Schedule

Explore a new career. Advance in your current position. Or prepare for certification in a growing field. At SUNY WCC, programs in our Division of Workforce Development can equip you with the knowledge and skills that will help you stand out in today’s fast-evolving workforce. Plus, flexible online, in-person, and hybrid options allow you to balance life and school.

Two students talking on campus outside

Anytime, Anywhere

Convenient Locations Throughout Westchester – And Online!

Pursuing your workforce training goals have never been so convenient or accessible. Courses are offered at our five locations, cutting down travel time and expenses so you can fit our classes into your busy schedule. You can even learn new skills in our instructor-led online courses without leaving home!

Career & Workforce Training Programs

Whether you’re a company or organization looking to develop employee talent or an individual looking to expand your expertise and career skills, PDC provides and supports a wide range of programs designed to advance you personally and professionally.

The Professional Development Center (PDC) is becoming widely recognized for providing learners with the tools necessary to position themselves competitively in the New York Metropolitan workforce and around the world. Our flexible programs include credit and non-credit courses, certificate programs, professional development and executive education programs. These programs can be delivered on site at your location to maximize convenience for staff or on our beautiful campus located in Valhalla, NY or one of our extension locations.

Certificate Product Ownership Analysis CPOA Prep Voucher 935x572 1

Business & Financial

2409prod GES3109 Cisco CCNA Certification Training Voucher 935x572 1

Computer Programs

Continuing Education

career counselor 935x572 1

Corporate Training

GES1113 Certified Medical Assistant English Learners 935x572 1


High School Equivalency

Trade Skills Hub

photoshop training for photography

Interactive Design & Digital Arts

javascript developer ges3034 935x572 1

Online Learning with Ed2Go

household manager 935x572 1

Real Estate & Insurance

Specialized Fields

Technology Programs

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student smiling at camera

Helping You Pay for Courses

Tuition Assistance

On top of affordable tuition, Workforce Development students also benefit from scholarship opportunities that cover certification programs and individual courses. In addition, you can receive financial assistance for books, course materials, and certification exam fees.


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