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Business & Financial

Welcome to the Professional Development Center

Welcome to the Professional Development Center

Keeping your skills up to date with the latest technologies is paramount to success in business and advancing your career. The Professional Development Center offers a variety of training programs in emerging technologies and business software applications, both in-classroom and on-line, for groups and / or individuals.

Our programs can lead you into three different career pathways:

Data Science / Data Analytics Career Pathways

As a data scientist, you’ll unravel hidden patterns, extract valuable insights, and transform raw data into strategic knowledge. Navigate the intersection of technology, mathematics, and business to empower decision-making and drive impactful change.

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Data Analytics with CompTIA Data+ and SQL Basics

Learn the tools and techniques to extract vital data and turn it into valuable business decision making information! Data Analytics with CompTIA Data+ Certification – Remote – (sunywcc.edu)

Tableau – Visual Data Analytics

Data visualizations allow concise communication to illustrate trends and patterns and enable strategic decisions to be made. Introduction to Tableau Visual Data Analytics

Intro to Power BI

Unlock to the power of data visualizations to tell a compelling story using your data with confidence. Fundamentals of Power BI

Data Science and Machine Learning featuring Python and CompTIA DataX Certification

Learn the power of data science with the latest machine learning technologies (including Anaconda) addressing business needs and challenges. Building real world applications, set yourself up for success as more and more organizations need to manage and analyze large amounts of data to remain competitive. Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning Featuring Python

Python programming

Learn the number one programming language in the world.  Python skills can be applied to many different areas to automate and analyze.  This versatile language that can be used in a wide variety of environments such as mobile applications, desktop applications, web development, hardware programming and many more. Introduction to Python Programming

Help Desk Technician Career Pathways

Transform tech puzzles into solutions. Dive into the world of IT support, troubleshooting, and customer service.

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IT Fundamentals with CompTIA Tech+ Certification

CompTIA Tech+ is intended for beginners and entry level into the field of IT. The course with certification provides a wide spectrum of foundational tech knowledge and hands-on skills, helping you become confident and tech-savvy. Learn more about the IT Fundamentals with CompTIA Tech+ certification

Entry-level IT Help Desk Technician Program with CompTIA A+ Certification

CompTIA A+ is an online entry-level IT Help Desk Technician training program that provides hands-on instruction covering the skills required to assemble, refurbish, upgrade, configure and troubleshoot personal computers. Learn more about CompTIA A+

System Administrator Career Pathways

As a key player in IT, gain the power to optimize, secure, and scale networks, servers, and systems. Navigate a set of cutting-edge technologies, from cloud computing to cybersecurity, and become the champion of organizational success.

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Red Hat Linux System Administration

Companies across the globe are having challenging times when trying to find open source talent with the IT skills necessary to grow and develop the business. The Red Hat System Administration program equips you with Linux® administration skills by focusing on foundational Linux concepts and core tasks. You will learn how to apply command-line concepts and enterprise-level tools, starting you on your journey toward becoming a full-time Linux system administrator. Red Hat Linux System Administration I Red Hat Linux System Administration II

Contact Information

Email: [email protected] Or contact Jim Irvine at [email protected] Phone: (914) 606-6658 Vector images from Vecteezy.

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Contact & Registration Information

Call 914-606-6830 to register.