Registrar’s Office
Mission Statement
The mission of the Office of the Registrar is to provide quality support services to students. This includes, but is not limited to, processing official transcripts and official letters of enrollment for students; assisting students and faculty with registration functions, including attendance and grade processing; and conducting final graduation certifications and producing diplomas for graduates. The Registrar ensures the accuracy, integrity, confidentiality and security of academic records at the College.
The Office of the Registrar is located in the Administration Building, room 107 (across from Parking Lot 1 and the Gateway Center Building).
Registrar Staff
Carlos Tonche, Jr., Registrar
Roselle Simonetti, Associate Registrar
Cathy Palmiere, Associate Registrar/Transfer Credit Evaluator
David Byrnes, Associate Registrar
John O’Toole, Registration Clerk
Nicholas Sanchez, Registration Clerk
Phone: The main phone number for the office is 914-606-6810 and the office fax number is 914-606-6277. This will connect you to an automated menu with important information about our most commonly asked questions. You also will have the option to speak directly to a Registrar staff member at any time.
Phone menu shortcuts:
- Press 1 for transcript information
- Press 2 for MyWCC userID & password information
- Press 3 for information on checking your grades online
- Press 4 for graduation information
- Press 6 to speak directly to a Registrar representative
- Press 8 to have options repeated
- Press 9 to return to the main menu
Registering for Classes
Approvals & Process
What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a U.S. Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records (www.ed.gov/ferpa). FERPA protects the education records of students who are currently enrolled or formerly enrolled regardless of their age or status with regard to parental dependency. Records of those who have applied to but not attended an institution are not subject to FERPA guidelines, nor are deceased students. The law applies to all schools that receive funding from an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records UNTIL these rights transfer solely to the student when s/he reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.
What student rights does FERPA provide?
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day Westchester Community College receives a request for access. A student should submit a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect to the Registrar’s Office, Dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official,. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the College will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
- The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. An example of such an exception is the disclosure of education records to College officials with legitimate educational interests. A College official is: SUNY System Administration; a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A College official may also include a volunteer or contractor outside of the College who performs an institutional service or function for which the College would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the College with respect to the use and maintenance of personally identifiable information from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another College official in performing his or her tasks. A College official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the College.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
What is an education record?
An education record is any record that contains information directly related to a student and is maintained by the College.
What is not part of an education record and, therefore, is excluded from FERPA regulations?
- Sole possession records or private notes held by school officials that are not accessible or released to other personnel.
- Law enforcement or campus security records that are solely for law enforcement purposes and maintained solely by the law enforcement unit.
- Records relating to individuals who are employed by the institution (unless contingent upon attendance).
- Records relating to treatment provided by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized professional or paraprofessional and disclosed only to individuals providing treatment.
- Records of an institution that contain only information about an individual obtained after that person is no longer a student at that institution, i.e., alumni records.
When is student consent NOT required to disclose information?
FERPA permits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of FERPA regulations, some of which are listed below:
- School officials with legitimate educational interest
- Other schools to which a student is transferring
- Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
- Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
- Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school
- Accrediting organizations
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
- Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies
- State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law
***FERPA also permits schools to disclose Directory Information without consent. Westchester Community College, in accordance with FERPA, has designated the following information about students as Directory Information:
- Name
- Address
- Westchester Community College email address
- Dates of attendance
- Degree information (including major and degrees and academic awards received)
- Enrollment status (full-time/ part-time)
The main purpose of designating the above information as “directory” is to permit the college to include this information in certain publications, for example, listing your name in the graduation program and submitting your awards and accomplishments for publication in a local newspaper.
If desired, can a student grant permission to share his/her education records with specified person(s), such as a parent or family member?
Yes, a student can grant the college permission to disclose education record information to a specified person(s) by completing the FERPA Release Form in its entirety, having it notarized by a Notary Public, and submitting the notarized form to either the Registrar’s Office in the Administration Building, room 107 or Counseling in the Student Center, room 223. Please click here for the FERPA Release Form:
**Note that this form must be renewed on a yearly basis if the student wants disclosure permission to remain for any specified party.**
Can students choose to prevent having any Directory Information disclosed about them?
Yes, a student can choose to “opt out” of having any general Directory Information (as defined above) disclosed to any party. Please seriously consider the following unintended possible negative consequences before choosing to opt out: For example, organizations such as potential employers, scholarship agencies, members of the press, loan agencies, educational organizations and others will not be given access to the student’s directory information, and will not be able to contact the student. Opting out of directory information classification may mean that you will miss out on valuable employment, educational, cultural and other opportunities.
After considering these possible outcomes, if you still wish to opt out, you must submit a notarized form to the Registrar’s Office (Administration Building, room 107). Please email Registrar@sunywcc.edu with “FERPA NON-DISCLOSURE” in the subject line to request a copy of the form. Once a student chooses to opt out, this exclusion remains attached to the education record indefinitely until the student notifies the Registrar’s Office in writing to cancel.
College Application
All students need to have submitted an application and to have been officially accepted to the college before they can register. If you have not submitted an application for admission and would like to do so, please visit www.sunywcc.edu/apply to apply online. If you have questions regarding the application process, contact the Admissions Office at admissions@sunywcc.edu.
Financial Aid
Do not wait until you’re registered for classes at Westchester Community College to begin the Financial Aid Process. Apply early! You can begin filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as January 1 each year. If you have questions email the Office of Student Financial Assistance at finaid@sunywcc.edu. Your application for aid and all supporting documentation must be received by the Office of Student Financial Assistance by June 30 (for the Fall) or October 30 (for the Spring) if you want your aid to be applied to your tuition bill.
Placement Testing
Placement tests are used to establish which courses incoming students are prepared to take. Most students are required to take placement exams, though there are situations where they may be waived (for example, transfer students who meet certain criteria). Everything you need to know about placement exams, including who must take the tests, testing schedules, and testing locations can be found online at www.sunywcc.edu/testingcenter.
Immunization Requirements
State regulations require students taking 6 credits or more to be immunized or show proof of previous exposure to certain diseases; mumps, measles, rubella, etc. You cannot register for courses until your form has been submitted to the Health Office. Find out more and download an Immunization Form at www.sunywcc.edu/regforms.
Counseling and Advisement
Incoming students are required to meet with a counselor to receive academic advisement before they can register. The Counseling Office is located in the Student Center on the Valhalla campus. Call 914-606-6572 for help or to schedule a meeting with a counselor. Counseling is also available at some Extension Centers. Please call the Centers directly for details.
Proof of Residency
While anyone can attend our classes, students who are not residents of Westchester County will be charged nonresident tuition and fee rates. In order for non-Westchester County residents to qualify for the resident rates (which are significantly lower), an Application for Certificate of Residency form must be completed, notarized, authorized by your New York State county of residence and then submitted to the college’s Bursar’s Office. This form must be completed on an annual basis. Additional requirements pertaining to the length of one’s residency also apply. To download the application form and obtain full residency requirements, visit www.sunywcc.edu/regforms.
Tuition Payment
Timely payment of your student bill is important. Early registrants are allotted more time to settle their bill. As the semester start date approaches, students are expected to pay at the time of registration. If payment in full is not received by the due date, your registration will be cancelled (dropped) and any classes that were being held for you will be released. For more information about payment, payment plans, drop schedules, receipts and refunds, visit www.sunywcc.edu/bursar.
What is the Registrar’s Office? What services do you provide?
The mission of the Office of the Registrar is to provide quality support services to students. This includes, but is not limited to, processing official transcripts and official letters of enrollment for students; assisting students and faculty with registration functions, including attendance and grade processing; and conducting final graduation certifications and producing diplomas for graduates. The Registrar insures the accuracy, integrity, confidentiality and security of academic records at the College.
Where are you located and what are your office hours?
The Office of the Registrar is located in the Administration Building, room 107 (across from Parking Lot 1 and the Gateway Center Building).
Registrar’s Office Hours
Monday – Thursday, 9:00am – 7:00pm
Friday 9:00am -5:00pm
What is your contact information?
The main office email address is Registrar@sunywcc.edu . For transcript questions, please direct emails to Transcript@sunywcc.edu .
The main phone number for the office is 914-606-6810. This will connect you to an automated menu with important information about our most commonly asked questions. You also will have the option to speak directly to a Registrar staff member at any time.
Phone menu shortcuts:
- Press 1 for transcript information
- Press 2 for MyWCC userID & password information
- Press 3 for information on checking your grades online
- Press 4 for graduation information
- Press 6 to speak directly to a Registrar representative
- Press 8 to have options repeated
- Press 9 to return to the main menu
Are there How-to Guides available listing specific steps and screen-shots for using various MyWCC functions?
Yes. Please go to www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/registering-for-classes/how-to-guides.
Registration Related
What are the dates for registration? The beginning and end dates of the semester?
For all dates, please see the Academic Calendar at www.sunywcc.edu/academiccalendar
Where can I access the course catalog and the current schedule of classes?
The Course Catalog is currently available online at http://catalog.sunywcc.edu. The course catalog has information on all of the College’s degree and certificate programs; it also contains course descriptions and prerequisite requirements. The catalog is available online only; printed copies of the catalog are no longer published. To access the current schedule of classes on the College website, go to https://mywcc.sunywcc.edu and select ‘Search for Classes’.
I studied at Westchester Community College in the past, but haven’t taken classes in a while. What do I need to do for readmission?
Returning students can register online at https://mywcc.sunywcc.edu if they have attended the College within the last 2 years. If it has been more than 2 years (but less than 7), students must have their account reactivated. In order to have your account reactivated, you can go to the Registrar’s Office or contact them at registrar@sunywcc.edu; you will need to fill out a form. Reactivation can also be done at the Mt. Vernon, Yonkers Cross County, Peekskill, Ossining, and Center for the Arts Extension sites.
If a student has not taken classes for 7 years or more, he or she will need to submit a Student Readmit Form to the Admissions Office or one of the above extension sites. Students who have been out more than 7 years will also need to submit proof of high school graduation again. They will not need to pay the application fee again.
What services are available online on the MyWCC student portal?
At https://mywcc.sunywcc.edu, you can manage all your school-related activities. You can add, drop, or swap classes, search for classes, view your class schedule, check course availability, withdraw from classes, check balances, pay bills, check financial aid status, manage personal information, print out receipts and enrollment verification letters, view progress toward degree requirements, and manage your personal information. Note: New, matriculated students must register with a counselor.
I forgot my MyWCC logon information; how can I get help?
You can contact the MyWCC Student Helpdesk at MyWCCHelpdesk@sunywcc.edu
If my GPA is less than 2.0, can I register on MyWCC?
Students who have a GPA less than 2.0 are will have a registration block on their record and will not be able to register online; they must speak with a counselor in order to have the block lifted and be able to register. They can see a counselor on a walk-in basis in the Student Center, Room 219 or call them at 914-606-7857.
I see holds listed on my MyWCC account. What do I do?
In order to see what particular hold is on your account, please check your MyWCC account. Click on the hold for a description of action required to remove the hold. Each hold will direct you to a particular office—only the office that issued the hold can remove the hold.
I’m registering for an online class. Is there anything particular I need to know?
Please visit /online-education/ for information related to online courses.
Where can I register in-person for credit classes?
You can register in-person at the Registrar’s Office in Valhalla, or any of the hub Extension Sites (Mt. Vernon, Yonkers Cross County, Center for the Arts, Ossining, or Peekskill).
How do I find out what textbooks I need for class?
Visit the campus bookstore or visit www.sunywcc.edu/bookstore and select ‘Order Your Books Online’; you’ll need to know your course and section numbers.
Can I audit a credit class?
Yes. You must register as usual and pay the regular tuition rate and then inform your professor at the first meeting of the class that you would like to audit the course. (Your professor will have to agree and will give you a final grade of “AU” for “Audit”.) There is a special rate for senior citizens – please see www.sunywcc.edu/mainstream for information on registering through Mainstream.
What is considered full-time enrollment?
Enrolling for 12 or more credits is considered full-time, while anything less than 12 is considered part-time.
Can I register for a science lecture without the accompanying lab?
No. You must register for both. If you failed one part of the course, you must take both parts again to improve your grade.
Do I pay for zero-credit College preparatory courses (ie. Pre-Algebra, Beginning Algebra, Foundations of Reading) and will I earn a grade?
Basic Preparatory classes for Math and English are charged at the normal per credit tuition rate. They will appear on your record with a grade, but do not earn you any academic credits. They are considered in determining your status as a full time or part-time student.
(go to www.sunywcc.edu/transcripts)
What is the difference between official and unofficial transcripts?
Official transcripts are used to verify your grades to other institutions. These come with an official college seal to signify authenticity. Students are required to submit an official request and pay a fee for official transcripts (see below for fee info.). An unofficial transcript is simply a printout of all of a student’s grades at the College to date and can be printed from your MyWCC account.
How do I get a copy of my official Westchester Community College transcript?
Official transcripts can be requested online, through the mail or in person at the Registrar’s Office. To order online, go to www.sunywcc.edu/transcripts or log into your MyWCC account and click the “Order Your Transcripts Online” link. You will need a valid major credit card in order to use this service. To request an official transcript by mail, you can complete the request form available at www.sunywcc.edu/transcripts or you can mail the Registrar’s Office a letter with your name, Student ID number, dates of attendance, complete addresses where to mail each transcript, and complete payment for your order (see below). Checks and money orders (made out to WCC) are the only forms of payment accepted through the mail. If you come in person to the Registrar’s Office, you can either choose to pick up your transcript the next business day or have it mailed. Please note that you cannot get an official transcript the same day you come in to order it—it takes one business day to process.
What is the fee for an official transcript?
The fee is $10 per transcript.
If I’ve been out of school for a few years and don’t have a MyWCC account, how can I access my unofficial transcript?
You can go to the Registrar’s Office and they will give you a copy or you can email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@sunywcc.edu and request that one be mailed to you. Unfortunately, you will not be able to access your record online.
Can I send someone else to pick up my transcript for me?
Yes, but only if you provide that person with written authorization to submit to the Registrar’s Office. The person picking up the transcripts will need to present photo ID.
Can the College send my transcripts by Express Mail/FedEx?
FedEx delivery is available only through the use of the online ordering service.
Letter of Enrollment/Education Verification
How can I get a letter stating I’m officially registered at the College?
You can get this from the Registrar’s Office once you are registered and have paid the tuition in full for a particular semester. If you cannot come in, please contact the Registrar’s Office and they will mail one to the student address on file. If at all possible, please wait until registration is over as the lines will be long. When a student requests a verification letter in person, it is generally done while the student waits.
Can I print a letter of Enrollment Verification online from the National Student Clearinghouse?
Yes, verification letters can also be accessed and printed via the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) link which we have made available to you through your “Student Center” page. Simply log on to your MyWCC account and click on the “STUDENT CENTER” link located near the top in the middle of the page. Under the drop-down menu in the “ACADEMICS” section, select “ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION /NSC”.
How would an employer/ agency be allowed to verify my record from the College?
If there are any employer/background checking agencies that need to verify your degree/ enrollment here, students would first need to either fax or mail a signed release to the Registrar’s Office.
Dropping & Withdrawing
What is the refund policy?
The refund policy is available on the College website on the Bursar pages- go to ‘Student Services’, then ‘Bursar’s Office/Payment’.
If I feel I have some extenuating circumstance; how do I petition for more of a refund than I might have originally qualified for?
Please review the College’s Refund Policy at www.sunywcc.edu/refundpolicy for all the instructions on how to file a petition. If you qualify to file a petition, you will need to email your petition and supporting documentation to the Refund Committee at Refund.Committee@sunywcc.edu. Petitions can also be hand-delivered or mailed directly to: WCC’s Refund Committee c/o Registrar’s Office, Administration Building Rm. 107 75 Grasslands Rd., Valhalla, NY 10595.
How do I withdraw from classes?
You can withdraw from a class on your MyWCC portal account. When you drop a class during a week when you can still get a full or partial refund (see refund schedule referenced above), no grade is assigned. Through the end of the withdrawal period (see www.sunywcc.edu/academiccalendar for exact date), you can drop a class on your MyWCC account without academic penalty and will automatically receive a grade of ‘W’ on your transcript. You must see an academic counselor to withdraw from developmental classes.
How can I access my grades?
Grades are available online on your MyWCC account– they are not mailed out. On your MyWCC account, click on the “STUDENT CENTER” link located near the top of the page, in the middle. Under the drop-down menu in the “ACADEMICS” section, select “GRADES”.
Changing information on your record
How can I change my address in my school records?
If your move does not involve a move into or out of Westchester County, you can change your address directly in your MyWCC account by selecting your address and then selecting “edit”. Alternately, you could send a letter with your name, student ID number, and current address to the Registrar or come into the Registrar’s Office and fill out the proper form. Please note that if you are moving into or out of Westchester County, you must bring documentation to the Bursar’s Office in order to change your address. All students on an F-1 Visa must contact Anne Marie Verini (GTW 134, 914-606-8567) in order to change an address.
How do I change my name in my school records?
You need to either bring in or mail a copy of your marriage/divorce certificate or other court documentation to the Registrar’s Office.
How do I change/correct my social security number in my school records?
You need to either bring in or mail a copy of your Social Security card to the Registrar’s Office.
How do I change my curriculum/major?
You must come to the Registrar’s Office to complete the proper form to change your major.
(go to www.sunywcc.edu/graduation)
How do I apply for graduation?
You can apply online by signing into MyWCC and clicking “Apply for Graduation” in the dropdown menu under “ACADEMICS”—you will receive an email at your WCC-given address if you are eligible to apply. Or, you can always go to the Registrar’s Office to apply in person.
Once I graduate, will my diploma be mailed to me?
Yes! Beginning with the Spring 2016 graduation, ALL diplomas will be mailed directly to the address you have on file in MyWCC. Please verify that the address is updated.
When is the deadline to apply for graduation?
In general, the deadline for a December graduation is in mid-November, for a May graduation is in mid-February, and for an August graduation is in mid-July. Please visit www.sunywcc.edu/graduation or contact Registrar@sunywcc.edu for exact deadlines. There is one commencement ceremony each year in May.
I am participating in the May graduation ceremony. How do I find out details about the ceremony?
You will receive information via email to your WCC-given address later in the semester, generally in March. If you have any questions in the meantime, please visit www.sunywcc.edu/commencement or contact the Student Involvement Office in the Student Center, room 103 at (914) 606-6731.
(Family Educational Right to Privacy Act)
What is FERPA?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a U.S. Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records (www.ed.gov/ferpa). FERPA protects the education records of students who are currently enrolled or formerly enrolled regardless of their age or status with regard to parental dependency. Records of those who have applied to but not attended an institution are not subject to FERPA guidelines, nor are deceased students. The law applies to all schools that receive funding from an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records UNTIL these rights transfer solely to the student when s/he reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.
What student rights does FERPA provide?
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day Westchester Community College receives a request for access. A student should submit a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect to the Registrar’s Office, Dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official,. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should write the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the College will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
- The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. An example of such an exception is the disclosure of education records to College officials with legitimate educational interests. A College official is: a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee. A College official may also include a volunteer or contractor outside of the College who performs an institutional service or function for which the College would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the College with respect to the use and maintenance of personally identifiable information from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another College official in performing his or her tasks. A College official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the College.
- The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
What is an education record?
An education record is any record that contains information directly related to a student and is maintained by the College.
What is not part of an education record and, therefore, is excluded from FERPA regulations?
- Sole possession records or private notes held by school officials that are not accessible or released to other personnel.
- Law enforcement or campus security records that are solely for law enforcement purposes and maintained solely by the law enforcement unit.
- Records relating to individuals who are employed by the institution (unless contingent upon attendance).
- Records relating to treatment provided by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other recognized professional or paraprofessional and disclosed only to individuals providing treatment.
- Records of an institution that contain only information about an individual obtained after that person is no longer a student at that institution, i.e., alumni records.
When is student consent NOT required to disclose information?
FERPA permits the disclosure of personally identifiable information from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in §99.31 of FERPA regulations, some of which are listed below:
- School officials with legitimate educational interest
- Other schools to which a student is transferring
- Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes
- Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student
- Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school
- Accrediting organizations
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena
- Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies
- State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law
***FERPA also permits schools to disclose Directory Information without consent. Westchester Community College, in accordance with FERPA, has designated the following information about students as Directory Information:
- Name
- Address
- WCC email address
- Dates of attendance
- Degree information (including major and degrees and academic awards received)
- Enrollment status (full-time/ part-time)
The main purpose of designating the above information as “directory” is to permit the College to include this information in certain publications, for example, listing your name in the graduation program and submitting your awards and accomplishments for publication in a local newspaper.
If desired, can a student grant permission to share his/her education records with specified person(s), such as a parent or family member?
Yes, a student can grant the College permission to disclose education record information to a specified person(s) by completing the FERPA Release Form in its entirety, having it notarized by a Notary Public, and submitting the notarized form to either the Registrar’s Office in the Administration Building, room 107 or Counseling in the Student Center, room 223.
**Note that this form must be renewed on a yearly basis if the student wants disclosure permission to remain for any specified party.**
Can students choose to prevent having any Directory Information disclosed about them?
Yes, a student can choose to “opt out” of having any general Directory Information (as defined above) disclosed to any party. Please seriously consider the following unintended possible negative consequences before choosing to opt out: For example, organizations such as potential employers, scholarship agencies, members of the press, loan agencies, educational organizations and others will not be given access to the student’s directory information, and will not be able to contact the student. Opting out of directory information classification may mean that you will miss out on valuable employment, educational, cultural and other opportunities.
After considering these possible outcomes, if you still wish to opt out, you must submit a notarized form to the Registrar’s Office (Administration Building, room 107). Please email Registrar@sunywcc.edu with “FERPA NON-DISCLOSURE” in the subject line to request a copy of the form. Once a student chooses to opt out, this exclusion remains attached to the education record indefinitely until the student notifies the Registrar’s Office in writing to cancel.
Transcripts & Grades:
- How to Request Your Official Transcript Online
- Access Your Unofficial TranscriptStudents and alumni can now view a free, unofficial copy of their academic transcript for free on the Westchester Community College website. Just log into your student center at MyWCC. Once there, go to “My Academics” and then click on “View My Unofficial Transcript.”
- Check Your Grades Online
Payments/Financial Aid:
Graduation Related:
Students looking to transfer to another college will often be required to submit a College Report from their current institution. These forms are supplied by the institution a student is planning to transfer into. These forms usually request details of a student’s conduct/disciplinary record from the institution they currently attending. In some cases it will also request confirmation of grade point average and other academic information. These forms have many different names, depending on the institution they are coming from. Names can include, but are not limited to: (a) College Report; (b) Dean’s Certification; (c) Dean’s Release; (d) the Common Application’s Transfer College Report; or (e) Transfer Recommendation.
At Westchester Community College, these forms are completed by the Registrar’s Office. Students should bring their completed forms to the Registrar’s Office located in the Administration Building Room 107. Students should make sure they complete ALL required parts of the form(s) before they submit them. Incomplete forms may not be accepted and/or may result in delayed processing.
Policy Statement
Matriculated students should select their major/program plan to best suit their educational and career goals and aspirations. If a student’s goals and aspirations alter and students feel they must change their major/program plan, students must meet with their respective advisor to consult about the potential impact this change may have toward their degree completion. Major/program plan changes will be processed only by the Registrar’s Office and are subject to advisor approval.
- Students can download the change of major/program plan form here , or pick up a hard copy in the Registrar’s Office.
- Student must consult with their respective advisor regarding their interest to change their declared major. Advisors should discuss the opportunities available to the student in both their original and potential future major/program plan and explore the potential impact a major/program plan change will have on the student’s degree completion. Further, students should be referred to Financial Aid to discuss any potential impacts a change of major/program plan may have on their aid.
- Students who have earned 30 or less credits should meet with a member of the Counseling faculty
- Students who have earned 31+ credits should meet with the Curriculum Chair of their intended major.
- After the discussion has taken place, the advisor may approve the student for a major/program plan change. Approval will be given in the form of a signature on the Change of Major/Program Plan Approval Form.
- Matriculated students who are changing their major/program plan from one program to another will bring their completed Major/Program Plan Approval Form to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
- Non-matriculated students who wish to move into matriculated status should visit the Admissions Office to file the appropriate paperwork. They may officially declare a major/program plan at that time.
- No change will be processed by the Registrar unless proper approval has been received from the respective student’s advisor. If the teaching faculty advisor is on their annual leave (January/June/July/August), the student must meet, consult, and receive approval from the respective Dean of their school.
- Approved changes in a student’s major/program plan will take effect either:
- On the date of processing in PeopleSoft if the semester has not begun
- If semester has already started, then change will take effect for the next semester
- A change of major/program plan for a student may not be backdated.
- A student may not request a change in their major more than twice in a given semester.