Tuition Appeal Request Form Instructions

Before you file a Tuition Appeal Request please make sure:

  1. The Tuition Appeal Request is being submitted WITHIN ONE YEAR from the last day of instruction for the semester you are filing the Tuition Appeal for. Tuition appeals submitted for semesters older than one year of age will be automatically denied.
  • Students must officially withdraw from all courses for the semester for which the appeal is being submitted.
  • If a grant, scholarship and/or loan funds were paid on your behalf for the semester in which you are appealing, see the Financial Aid Office to go over the impact of a potential approved appeal will have on your financial aid eligibility.
  • If during the semester you are appealing, you received Viking Dollars (Dining services), a refund check and/or bookstore charges, all those monies must be returned BEFORE your appeal will be considered.

2. You understand that the following WILL NOT be considered by the Tuition Appeals Committee for a tuition appeal:

  1. Incomplete documentation (Documentation is required for ALL appeals).
  2. Missed deadline for submitting an appeal.
  3. Change in employment.
  4. Misunderstanding of start date and classes. Failure to consult the academic calendar and payment liability guidelines before registering. Failure to meet published dates and deadlines regarding registration, payment, drops and withdrawals.
  5. Inability to transfer a course(s) to another college/university.
  6. Failure to seek academic and/or financial advisement before registering.
  7. Dissatisfaction with a course content, scheduled meeting time, location, mode of instruction, professor or grade.
  8. Your account has NOT been turned over for collection/litigation or NOT in the collection process.
  9. Involuntary Withdrawals will NOT be considered by the Tuition Appeals Committee.
  10. Dismissal for academic or disciplinary reasons.
  11. Discontinued attendance or failure to attend a course(s) at all. Students are responsible for officially dropping or withdrawing from courses.
  12. Failure to follow college policies and procedures available for review within the college’s handbook, catalog or
  13. A tuition liability resulting from Late Registration (on or after the first day of the session, regardless of attendance).
  14. Failure to review registration information for accuracy, tuition and payment policies.

3. After reviewing the Tuition Appeal Guidelines, please fill out the form completely, including the personal statement, to clearly outline the grounds for the appeal. We require that students provide specific details and documentation to support their tuition appeals request. The responsibility for ensuring the committee has received the needed documentation rests with the student filing their appeal with their original appeal submission. All appeals must be submitted electronically from the students WCC email.

What to Expect

  • Appeals will be reviewed within 45 days of receipt.
  • Once the Tuition Appeal committee has reached a decision, the student will be sent an e-mail through their WCC email stating the final decision.
  • If Tuition Appeal is approved the student’s tuition account will be adjusted accordingly.
  • All appeal decisions are final.

