Celebrating the life of David Swope

Statement by President Belinda S. Miles on the passing of David Swope
I am saddened to share the news that our dear friend and colleague David Swope has passed away.
As a lifetime resident of Westchester County, David was much beloved and universally respected by the community. After a successful legal career in New York City, he returned home to be involved in his own businesses: Teatown Lake Reservation and Club Fit. He was active in many community organizations and served on the boards of Jacob Burns Film Center, Ossining Children’s Center, and Katonah Museum of Art. He served as Westchester Community College Trustee since 2011 and served as the Chair of the Board from 2013 to 2016. He served on the Westchester Community College Foundation Board as Director since 2001, President and Chairman from 2005 to 2013, and Co-Chair of its highly successful Gateway Campaign. David’s family is a longtime benefactor of the college and driving force in the development of the Foundation, which has been profound in support of student success.
I cannot capture in this message everything that David contributed to the college and the deep impact he had on the lives of our students and employees. He will be remembered not only for his achievements as a businessperson and monumental contributions as a community leader and philanthropist, but also for the standard he set for how to treat people. He was approachable, kind, and was always listening for ways to make the community better for everyone. There is much more that needs to be said to honor David’s memory. We will share further details on an appropriate tribute when they are announced.
Please keep David’s family in your thoughts and prayers.
About Westchester Community College
Westchester Community College provides over 31,000 full-time and part-time students with an education taught by award-winning faculty at one of the most affordable tuition rates in New York State. WCC offers more than 60 degree and certificate programs, including innovative programs in such high-demand fields as cybersecurity, health information technology, respiratory therapy, and digital filmmaking. The college reflects the rich diversity of its region and was the first SUNY campus to be designated a Hispanic Serving Institution.
Westchester Community College Foundation
Since its founding in 1969, Westchester Community College Foundation (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization) has raised funds to meet college and student needs not covered by public funds, distributing over $2 million in scholarships annually. Through its fundraising and programmatic activities, the Foundation supports the college’s efforts to provide access to quality education and skills for success.