make a video game

Spring 2025 Credit Course Offerings

Credit Course Offerings

Register for Upcoming Classes (credit)

Spring 2025 Classes

Note: See below the table for notations and information describing each Mode of Instruction.

15-Week classes begin Tuesday, January 21, 2025

ART 101 45710 Drawing 1 TH 12:00 PM-3:50 PM In-Person
ART 147 45819 Digital Animation 1 F 1:00 PM-4:50 PM In-Person
CIS 110 46986 Computer Info Systems M 2:00 PM-5:50 PM In-Person
COMM 109 45927 Speech Communication T 6:30 PM-9:20 PM In-Person
ENG 101 45958 Writing and Research** M/W 5:00 PM-6:15 PM In-Person
ENG 99 45959 Writing Studio** M/W 6:30 PM-7:20 PM In-Person
ENG 101 45957 Writing and Research M/W 5:00 PM-6:15 PM In-Person
ENG 101 47000 Writing and Research T/TH 10:00 AM-11:15 AM In-Person
ENG 101 47001 Writing and Research T/TH 1:00 PM-2:15 PM In-Person
FYS 101 47415 First Year Seminar T 5:00 PM-5:50 PM In-Person
HIS 112 47495 20th Century U.S. History T/TH 6:30 PM-7:45 PM In-Person
ITECH 100 46221 Digital Design T 6:00 PM-9:50 PM HyFlex
ITECH 210 46241 3D Visualization T 9:00 AM-12:50 PM HyFlex
ITECH 240 46242 New Media Projects T 1:00 PM-3:50 PM HyFlex
MATH 117 47017 College Quantitative Reasoning M/W 1:00 PM-2:15 PM In-Person
SPAN 103 47554 Spanish Conversation 1 M 6:00 PM-8:50 PM In-Person

12-Week classes begin Tuesday, February 11, 2025

ANTHR 101 47078 Cultural Anthropology T/TH 6:30 PM-8:05 PM In-Person
ART 109 46998 Art of the Modern World W 1:00 PM-4:30 PM In-Person
COMM 101 46999 Understanding Mass Media M/W 6:30 PM-8:05 PM In-Person
ECON 101 47583 Macroeconomics T/TH 12:00 PM-1:35 PM In-Person
ECON 102 47584 Microeconomics T/TH 10:00 AM-11:35 AM In-Person
ENG 101 47002 Writing and Research T/TH 6:30 PM-8:05 PM In-Person
ENG 101 45801 Writing and Research SA 9:30 AM-12:20 PM Hybrid Asynch
ENG 102 46031 Writing and Literature T/TH 8:00 AM-9:35 AM In-Person
ENG 102 47010 Writing and Literature T/TH 6:30 PM-8:05 PM In-Person
ENG 102 45586 Writing and Literature M/W 6:30 PM-8:05 PM In-Person
ENG 102 45949 Writing and Literature SA 9:00 AM-10:35 AM Hybrid Asynch
ENG 115 47013 Creative Writing T/TH 7:00 PM-8:35 PM In-Person
FILM 100 47428 Intro. to Film T 9:00 AM-12:30 PM In-Person
FILM 100 45679 Intro. to Film TH 6:00 PM-9:30 PM In-Person
FILM 130 45848 Digital Storytelling T/TH 1:00 PM-3:15 PM Hybrid Synch
HCTAL 102 47543 Exploring Health Careers T/TH 6:00 PM-7:35 PM In-Person
HIS 112 46036 20th Century U.S. History W/F 1:00 PM-2:35 PM In-Person
HIS 112 47037 20th Century U.S. History W 6:00 PM-9:30 PM In-Person
MATH 93 47016 Beginning Algebra* T/TH 9:00 AM-11:15 AM In-Person
MATH 117 47022 College Quantitative Reasoning M/W 6:00 PM-7:35 PM In-Person
MATH 131 47018 College Algebra T/TH 6:00 PM-8:15 PM In-Person
MGT 101 47565 Business Org & Management F 9:00 AM-12:30 PM In-Person
MKT 101 47567 Marketing M 9:00 AM-12:30 PM In-Person
NUTR 101 47611 Foundations of Nutrition M/W 2:00 PM5:30 PM In-Person
POLSC 102 46025 American Gov’t & Issues M/W 9:00 AM10:35 AM In-Person
PSYCH 101 45939 Intro to Psychology SA 3:00 PM4:50 PM Hybrid Asynch
SOC 101 46035 Introduction to Sociology SU 1:00 PM4:30 PM HyFlex

Modes of Instruction

Software Is Subject to Change

Course schedule will indicate the days and times you will meet in person on campus.

Hybrid Flexible (HyFlex)
Combination of online synchronous and in-person instruction modes. Your course will meet in person on campus on scheduled days and times; however, you may attend remotely via Brightspace and Teams. Remote students are integrated with the live class by the instructor.

Hybrid Synchronous
Combination of in-person and online synchronous (real-time) instruction modes. Your course will take place both in person on campus and remotely via Brightspace and Teams
on scheduled days and times, as indicated on your course schedule.

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Course Descriptions

Tuition charged by credit hour – Remedial/Developmental course

Linked ENG must be taken together – For students placed in Remedial/Developmental level. Visit the college catalog ‘Course Descriptions’ for pre/corequisites.