Using Financial Aid for Books

Will financial aid pay for my books and when will it be available?

Financial aid must first be used to cover charges for tuition and fees. If there are additional funds available and if the funds are not restricted to payment of tuition and fees, these additional funds can be made available in the bookstore. Funds do not become available for use in the Bookstore until the first day of classes and remain available until the end of the third week of classes for fall and spring, and the end of the first week of classes for summer semesters.

You will need to activate your Bookstore Account if you are planning on using your Financial Aid to pay for your class books. In your MyWCC account, go to ‘Student Center’ and select ‘View Permission’ from the drop-down menu in the ‘Finances’ section. Follow the prompts to set up your bookstore account. Once you have completed these steps the funds become available within 24 hours. You may also manually sign an authorization form at your campus business/bursar office. This authorization will allow your aid to be released to the FSA Bookstore. If your aid was authorized for the previous semester, you do not need to repeat these steps

What can I Buy with my Financial Aid?

Textbooks and many other items can be purchased using your Financial Aid including supplies, book bags, campus wear, computer software and hardware, including Laptops and Tablets. Some Financial Aid grants may restrict you to purchase Textbooks and required course materials only. Please check with your Financial Aid counselor if you have any questions regarding this.

How Can I use my Financial Aid?

All Financial Aid purchases must be made in the Westchester Community College Barnes & Noble Bookstore, in person, and can be used by the Financial Aid recipient only! A valid photo ID is required and the student must provide their 9 digit student ID number and sign his or her name for verification of purchases. The knowing and providing of the Student ID number is the sole responsibility of the student. Your ID number can be found on your MYWCC account under Demographics and personal information. The Bookstore does not have the ability to locate your student ID number.

*Financial Aid policies and procedures are set by Westchester Community College in accordance with State and Federal guidelines.

Please direct any inquiries regarding your aid to the Financial Aid office at (914)606-6773, Bursar’s office at (914)606-6870, or visit the Bursar’s Office page for more information.

The Bookstore is operated by Barnes & Noble Education, Inc.