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Viking Book Bundle

Get all of your course materials with
Viking Book Bundle

Our Viking Book Bundle program gives you access to all of your course materials, no need to shop around!

  • Receive all your course materials before the first day of class
  • Save 35-50% on the cost of your course materials each term
  • Benefit from a highly personalized concierge service

How it Works


Upon registering for courses, you will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you’ve successfully selected your courses, the bookstore will start preparing your order.


Starting 30 days before the first day of classes, you will receive an email to verify your order and select your fulfillment preference.


An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Brightspace.

Student FAQs

What is the Viking Book Bundle?

Viking Book Bundle is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures they have access to all required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this program, physical books will be provided to students on a rental basis and digital materials will be delivered directly within the campus LMS (Brightspace). Students will be charged $24 per credit for this rental book bundle or digital course materials on their student bill. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return rented physical course materials to the bookstore.

How does it work?

  • Register for your classes and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials
  • Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Brightspace
  • An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships
  • If the bundle price for books doesn’t save you money, you can opt out of the program

How do I opt-out of the program?

Students can use opt-out of the Viking Book Bundle program each semester during the opt-out window. Instructions to opt out the program will be sent to students via email or can use the opt-out link.  By opting out, students will not receive their required textbook materials in a bundle.  To purchase textbooks in an individual manner, student can visit the bookstore or go to the bookstore website. To begin the opt-out process, please follow this link: Opt-Out Link

Who is eligible to participate?

All students enrolled in fall or spring semester courses are included in the program. Summer semester courses are not currently eligible for the Viking Book Bundle. Police Academy, Advanced College Experience, music ensembles and applied music courses are also excluded.

What materials are excluded from the program?

The program does not include consumable course supplies that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits or nursing kits.

How do I enroll in the program?

All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in the Viking Book Bundle program.

Can I opt-out of the program?

Students have the option to opt-out of the Viking Book Bundle program each semester during the opt-out window. For the Fall 2025 term, the opt-out window is open August 4, 2025 through September 29, 2025. By opting out, students will not receive their required materials in a convenient package and access to any digital content in Brightspace will be removed after the opt-out window closes. Options for purchasing course materials after opting out can be found on the bookstore website. To begin the opt-out process, please follow this link: [NEED LINK}.

How do I change my opt-out status?

To change your opt-out status and opt into the Viking Book Bundle program, please here [NEED LINK] or follow the instructions found in your opt-out confirmation email. Please note you must make your final selection by September 29, 2025.
To change your opt-out status and opt into the Viking Book Bundle program, please click [here (insert link to opt-out page)] or follow the instructions found in your opt-out confirmation email. Please note you must make your final selection by [NEED DATE].

When are my textbook rentals due back to the bookstore?

The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of final exams for the semester. Students will receive reminders ahead of the rental deadline to their email address.

Can I buy my rented textbook?

Yes, the program provides you with the option to purchase any rental textbooks at a reduced rate during the semester.

Do I need to return books if they are for a continuation course?

Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.

What happens if I never verify my order?

Students will receive email notifications from the bookstore reminding them to verify their order and choose their fulfillment preference. If the student does not opt-out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.

If I never pick up my books, will I still get charged?

Yes, if the student does not opt-out, physical materials will be held at the bookstore, digital materials will be accessed through the Brightspace, LMS, and the student account will be charged.

What if I drop a class?

If course materials have been picked up or delivered for the dropped class, those materials should be returned to the bookstore within 48 hours of dropping that class. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will “swap” the required course materials so that you have what you need.

Can I opt-out if I picked up my textbooks?

Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the bundle will remain on your student account and you will be subject to a replacement and non-return processing fee.

Who do I contact with questions or for support?

For general questions about the Viking Book Bundle:

  • Call the bookstore at 914-347-3858
  • Email [email protected]
  • Visit the campus bookstore in the Student Center

For technical assistance with digital materials in Canvas:

  • Open a ticket online for the Customer Care Team
  • Email the Customer Care Team
  • Call the Customer Care Team at 844-9-EBOOKS (844-932-6657)

Faculty FAQs

What is First Day® Complete, and how does it benefit students?

First Day Complete is a textbook/course RENTAL model that provides students with all required textbooks and digital materials before the first day of class, bundled into their tuition or as a course charge. This simplifies access to materials and saves students an average of 35%-50% on costs.  Banes & Noble will provide each student with a convenient package for physical books and digital materials will be delivered directly to the Brightspace, LMS.

How do faculty participate, and can they choose their own materials?

Faculty ensure program success by submitting course material selections before the adoption deadline:  https://sso.bncollege.com/bes-sp/bessso/saml/sunywccedu/aip/logon

Also, faculty can choose any materials, from any publisher, in their preferred format. If changes occur (e.g., adoption updates or teaching reassignments), faculty should notify the bookstore, which will update materials accordingly.

Additionally, it’s extremely important to notify students of this program and their choice to opt-out of the fees that will be applied to their college bills.  Each semester, there will be a date to opt-out of the program.  Otherwise, students will be automatically charged these fees whether they use the textbook rental materials or not.

What is included and what is excluded?

The program covers required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital materials. Consumables like lab goggles, dissection kits, and engineering kits are not included.

How does pricing work? Can students opt out?

Students will be charged $24 per credit, not per course. Students can opt out by the opt-out deadline each semester. Once a student opts out of the program, the student opts out all classes within a given semester.

Can students keep their rental course/textbook materials?

Yes, students can purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.

How do students receive their materials, and what if they drop/add a course?

Students choose a fulfillment method (pickup or shipping) via email about a month before classes start. Digital materials are available in the LMS at course start. If students change courses, they will receive instructions for returning or receiving new materials.

Are materials accessible to students with accommodations?

Yes, the bookstore ensures accessibility support.

What if students have questions or trouble accessing their digital course materials?

For issues, students should contact Bookstore Customer Care at [email protected].

How do we ensure course materials in the Book Smart program are accessible to students with accommodations?

The bookstore can accommodate students with accessibility needs.

What happens if a student drops/adds a course?

Students who add or drop a course will be provided instructions for returning course materials and delivery options for any new courses added.