
Community and Family Members

Supporting friends can be stressful and impact your own well-being. If you feel you need support, we encourage you to check out our Resources below

Reasons you might refer a WCC student to Personal Counseling

  • Student Stated Need for Help or Support
  • Observed Changes in Mood and/or Behavior
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • References to Suicide
  • Traumatic Life Events or Changes in Personal Relationships (ie: death of family member)
  • Drug and/or Alcohol Abuse
  • Changes in Physical Health and/or Physical Appearance (ie: noticeable weight change)

Tips for supporting a WCC Student

  • Let them know you are concerned and make specific observations.
  • Use  non-judgmental phrases and let them know you are there to listen.
  • Let them know you appreciate them sharing and offer resources that can help (such as Personal  Counseling).
  • If you feel comfortable, be transparent about referring them to us and remind them that you care about them.
  • Check-in with them as you can to see how they are doing and to encourage them to engage with resources.

How to Refer a WCC student to Personal Counseling

Community members are encouraged to fill out the referral form below. A Personal Counselor will review the information submitted and will take appropriate steps to support the referred student.