
Become an Orientation Leader

For additional information or questions, you may contact:

What Does it Take to be an Orientation Leader?

Orientation Leaders (OLs) are student volunteers in leadership positions designed to serve first-year students. Orientation Leaders are an instrumental part of welcoming our first-year students to the SUNY Westchester community and are recognized by SUNY Westchester and other institutions as college leaders. This recognition often leads to scholarships and strong acceptance rates for OLs when they apply to bachelor’s granting schools after they graduate from SUNY WCC.

If you’re looking to be part of an extraordinary team, apply to be an Orientation Leader. There are only a few seats available each year, so be sure to apply early. Once selected you will be surrounded by others looking to be involved, and make a positive impact on the upcoming first-year students. The program is guaranteed to be an experience like no other and will be one of the top things you leave remembering and loving about your college experience!

No Experience Needed!

Training and ongoing support will be provided to the Orientation Leaders by the Department of Student Involvement. Through this position, students will be given the opportunity to gain real-life experience, acquire practical and valuable skills, and make close relationships as they develop lifelong friendships with their peers. This is also a great opportunity to provide the college with a commendable service, and in the process build your resume, obtain letters of recommendation, and develop lifelong skills and a strong network of individuals committed to success.

Position Requirements:

    1. Participate in an overnight summer retreat and summer training week (The schedule is located Below) 
    2. Attend all team meetings and workshops
    3. Attend the summer Orientation sessions
    4. Volunteer at the Commencement Ceremony
    5. Volunteer during Welcome Week if you are returning in Fall 2024
    6. Facilitate group activities with first-year students at Orientation
    7. Serve as a resource for new students in the fall semester
    8. Maintain a positive attitude, open mind, and willingness to learn

Qualifications : Under the Club and Organization Policies and Procedures:

In order to be eligible to participate, students must meet the following criteria, unless approved by the Director of Student Involvement:

    1. Be enrolled in at least one (1) credit-bearing course at SUNY Westchester Community College for the Spring 2023 semester
    2. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
    3. Be in good disciplinary and academic standing
    4. Have good time management and communication skills
    5. Ability to work in a team environment and amongst diverse groups
    6. Desire to work with students, faculty, and staff
    7. Have a positive and motivated attitude
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Apply to be an Orientation Leader!

Apply to be an Orientation Leader to support first-year students at SUNY Westchester, gain recognition, and enjoy benefits such as scholarships and improved acceptance rates for bachelor’s programs.