Incident Reporting

Westchester Community College values and respects the self-worth of all individuals in our community and affirms their right to have a safe, nonthreatening, and respectful environment. The College has no tolerance for discrimination, sexual misconduct and sexual violence of any kind, which includes sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault.

Community members who have been or know someone who has been the victim of discrimination, sexual violence, assault, harassment, stalking, domestic/dating violence, or any other form of sexual misconduct are encouraged to make a report to the College. Individuals can learn about available options to file a report. Anonymous reports are accepted.

Individuals can ask questions about reporting options or any question related to sexual violence response to the Title IX Coordinator at [email protected] or at 914-606-6313.

Incidents Reports

Name of Report Who Completes It What It’s Used For Associated College Policies, Documents or Resources
Academic Complaint Policy Students Complaints regarding course management that cannot be resolved informally between the student and the faculty member. Academic Complaint Policy
Academic Dishonesty Report Faculty This form documents the outcome of the process detailed in the Academic Honesty Policy. Academic Honesty Policy
Appealing a Final Grade Students When a student believes that the final grade awarded was unfairly determined, the student has a right to pursue a formal appeal of the grade. Appealing a Final Grade
Americans with Disability Act & Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Complaints Complaint Form Students A student who wishes to file a grievance about a faculty member, a staff member, or another student regarding alleged discrimination based on disability. Accessibility Services Guidelines & Procedures
Bias or Hate Related Incident Report Students, Employees, & Community Members This form is used to report a student or employee for a bias or hate related incident. Bias or Hate Crime Incident Response Policy
Classroom Misconduct Report Faculty & School Deans This form is used to report student behavior that causes significant disruption to a class such that it substantially interferes with the normal operations of the class.  This form should only be submitted after Steps 1 and 2 are completed in the Classroom Conduct Policy. Classroom Conduct Policy
Sex-Based Discrimination or Sex-Based Harassment Incident Report Students, Employees & Community Members This form is used to report acts of discrimination based on sex, sexual violence or sexual misconduct, which can include, but is not limited to: domestic violence, dating violence, sexual harassment, stalking or sexual assault. Grievance Procedure for Complaints of Sex Discrimination Other Than Sex-Based Harassment
Grievance Procedure for Sex-Based Harassment Complaints for Students
Student Conduct Incident Report Students, Employees, & Community Members This form is used to report a student(s) who has engaged in behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct. Student Code of Conduct
Student of Concern Report (CARE Team Referral) Students, Employees, & Community Members This form is used to report observable behaviors exhibited by a student that may indicate a potential threat of harm to self or others. The CARE Team
Workplace Violence, Harassment and Discrimination Employees This form is used by an employee to file a complaint regarding alleged workplace violence, harassment, or discrimination (bullying, etc.) Workplace Violence Prevention Program Policy & Procedures


SUNY WCC encourages all community members to work together to understand and address concerns without having to resort to formal grievance or complaint procedures.  Prior to submitting a formal written report, students should have already made every effort to resolve their question or situation with the department(s) or person(s) involved. For more information, please refer to the College’s Student Complaint Resolution Procedures .

Name of Report Who Completes It What It’s Used For Associated College Policies, Documents or Resources
Student Complaint Form Students Students who wish to make general complaints or concerns about, but not limited to, the following : Admissions procedures/policies, Bursar/Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Information Technology, Facilities, Security, Student Affairs, Institutional procedures/policies, website and/or other institutional services, personnel, and unresolved complaints for all areas. Student Complaint Resolution Procedures

External Complaints

Once all other avenues provided by the College have been exhausted, unresolved complaints may be filed directly with the appropriate agency.

Outside Agency/Entity Who Completes It What It’s Used For
The State University of New York (SUNY) – Office of Student Life Students Complaints that have previously been reviewed through the institution complaint process and resulted in an unsatisfactory resolution. Complaints that were filed with through the institution’s complaint process and no resolution was received within a reasonable time frame.
New York State Education Department Complaint Procedures Students Complaints to the New York State Education Department.
FERPA Complaints OR
U.S. Department of Education
Family Policy Compliance Office
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-8502
Students Complaints regarding violations of student privacy.
Middle States Commission on Higher Education:
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
1007 North Orange Street
4th Floor, MB #166
Wilmington, DE 19801Phone: (267) 284-5000
E-mail: [email protected]
Students Once all other avenues provided by the College and the State agency or SARA have been exhausted, unresolved complaints may be filed with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the College’s regional accrediting agency.