Student Parent Support
On-Campus Child Care at Virginia Marx Children’s Center
The Virginia Marx Children’s Center, located on WCC’s main campus, is a place for children to explore, learn, create, and discover. The Children’s Center cares for children from 6 weeks through 5 years of age. The programs listed below can provide free-or-reduced childcare for qualified students based on availability.
Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program
CCAMPIS is a federally funded program that provides subsidized childcare tuition Virginia Marx Children’s Center and dedicated academic counseling for qualified student parents. The CCAMPIS childcare subsidy covers a portion of tuition determined by a student’s EFC (expected family contribution on FAFSA-Qualified students are Pell-eligible). To find out more about CCAMPIS, contact the Children’s Center Director, Susan Zucker at [email protected]
Family Empowerment Program
The Family Empowerment Program at WCC is a SUNY-funded program that provides free childcare tuition at Virginia Marx Children’s Center, transportation vouchers, and dedicated support services to single student parents. Qualified students are single parents. To find out more about the Family Empowerment Program, contact the Children’s Center Director, Susan Zucker, [email protected].
Note: Some students may be eligible for both the CCAMPIS Program and the Family Empowerment Program. Reach out to any of the staff listed below for more information and to determine if you qualify.
Student Parent Resources
Family Empowerment Group
The Family Empowerment Group is a bi-monthly meeting for students to enjoy a safe place to learn more about parenting and meet fellow student parents. WCC believes that when student parents receive the support they need, they will be empowered to parent confidently and reach their academic goals. For more information, contact: Professor Helen O’Brien, [email protected].
Academic Counseling
When participating in the CCAMPIS or Family Empowerment Program, student parents are assigned a dedicated academic counselor to provide guidance and direction on your educational journey. For more information on academic counseling dedicated to student parents, reach out to Lorena Parada, [email protected].
Personal Counseling
Personal counseling is available to all student parents. Request an appointment with a personal counselor to discuss ways to cope with issues you may face as a student parent. Contact [email protected] for an appointment.
Office of Student Support Services
The Office of Student Support Services helps students relieve or eliminate personal and familial tangible challenges and hardships that affect their ability to achieve their academic goals. The Office of Student Support Services can assist with emergency aid, food insecurity, housing referrals, and much more. For more information, reach out to the Office of Student Support Services at [email protected].
Academic Support Center
The ASC provides ongoing tutorial assistance for students taking remedial/developmental and college courses in Math, Reading, ESL, Science, Physics, Computer Science, and Writing. Access the ASC here.