Eligibility Requirements

WEOC_PIC1To be considered for enrollment, you must meet the income and educational requirements established by the State University of New York. You must also meet the minimum enrollment criteria for your program of choice. Refer to the Eligibility Guidelines linked to below, to determine whether you are eligible. These income guidelines are based on the number of members in your household as well as the total income of all the wage earners in the household in the past 12 months. In extenuating circumstances, waivers may be granted to applicants who do not meet the guidelines but can demonstrate need. Examples of “need” include extenuating circumstances such as suddenly becoming unemployed or being displaced from your home due to a natural disaster.

Required Documentation

At the time of registration, all applicants must submit:

  • Proof of income*
  • Proof of current New York State residency
  • High school diploma or GED (for vocational programs and College Prep Academy)

Some of Westchester EOC’s programs have additional requirements, which may include:

  • Driver license, or learner permit and driving abstract (for CDL, EMT and Direct Support Professional programs)
  • Physical exam/medical clearance (for CNA, HHA and EMT programs)
  • Criminal background clearance (for Pharmacy Tech program)
  • Official high school transcript and/or drop letter (when indicated)
  • College Transcript (if applicable)

*Any applicant who has recently arrived in the United States (within 180 days of applying for enrollment at Westchester EOC) is not subject to income criteria. However, they must provide an immigration document showing that they entered the country within six months of their application to WEOC. Once they have received authorization to work or been deemed eligible for public assistance, they will be required to submit income verification.