Business Budgeting for Beginners 935x572 1


From HR Benefits

Have you updated any life events that may have occurred since your first date of hire?

The list of potential life events that people can experience in their lifetime is daunting and includes the following events (non- exhaustive): marriage, divorce, death of a loved one, birth of a child, adoption, a new job, promotion, job loss, unemployment, illness onset, COVID reporting, disability, and retirement.

Dear Colleagues:

Welcome to the Fall Semester 2024!

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) is a Division of Finance and Administrative Services and is responsible for creating a dynamic workplace that assists with all aspects of employee development. HR helps new employees make the transition into their positions, as well as assisting existing employees with their promotions, transfers, and retirements. HR supports hiring managers who are building collaborative teams, and provides coaching, mentoring and leadership development. In all, OHR helps make SUNY WCC a rewarding place to work. If at any time you need assistance, feel free to contact HR by phone, email, MS Teams or by visiting our offices in the Administration Building, suite B42. You are all remarkable!

Have a great semester,

Aurora Workman, Director
The Office of Human Resources

We are Viking Strong

The members of this division have access to sensitive information. We are bound by confidentiality and work product laws, rules, and regulations of the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. CONFIDENTIALITY is a key component that we all adhere too.

THE SUNY WCC HR Team Reports to the CFO VP of Administrative Services

Human Resources consistently assesses processes and procedures to ensure the alignment with other college operations. The HR Team members stay connected to the campus community, usually an individual at a time! We streamline processes and improve timeframes for weekly deadlines and short-term goal completions.

Click to open list of contacts within Human Resources

  • Aurora Workman-Director
  • Dana Carter- Assistant Director
  • Cathy Estella-Flashman-Benefits Manager
  • Rich Severi –Program Specialist (Benefits)
  • Renee Price -HRIS Specialist
  • Senior Personnel Clerk
  • Keanu Gouvea-Personnel Clerk
  • Roxanne Parks-Administrative Assistant
  • Katie McCabe-Program Specialist

Past Newsletters

Click to open the A.G.I.L.E. Newsletter

Provided by Aurora Workman, Director, Office of Human Resources

Tuesday, January 11, 2023 A digital bulletin Vol. I. Issue 2

Dear Administrators: It is time to review the goals you established for this year and make updates and comments

As a first step you should review your goals and ensure that they are “SMART”, That is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. Below is a description of SMART goals :

A SMART goal is an acronym that stands for goals that are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Using these parameters to write goals helps make the goals fair and achievable for you and your team.


Professional goals should have clearly defined output expectations. This can be in terms of what is to be delivered, how much is to be delivered, and the standards for the deliverables to be measured. Let’s take the example of a goal: Update an existing report on emerging trends in e-commerce.”

This goal lacks specificity since there is no clear definition of what is meant by “update.” A better way to write the goal is:

“Update the report on emerging trends in e-commerce with at least two new trends that aren’t listed in the current report.”


The performance goal should also include how the completion of the goal will be measured. Two common ways to measure a business output are quality and cost-effectiveness.


Accuracy of new information and effectiveness of new information can determine the quality of the work produced.

Cost-effectiveness The efficiency of a task measures its cost-effectiveness. For instance, the cost-effectiveness of the goal in the previous example can be measured by calculating the number of hours taken when updating the report. Thus, the revised goal could read, “Update the report on emerging trends in e-commerce with at least two new trends that aren’t listed in the report, and try to come up with new research methods to save time


The outcome of a performance goal should be under employees’ control. External factors should not play a role in whether a goal is considered successfully achieved. For instance, in our example of report update as a goal, it will be unfair not to consider the unavailability of critical data to evaluate trends. A fair performance goal would be “Update the report on emerging trends in e-commerce with at least two new trends that aren’t listed in the report and try to come up with new research methods to save time. If statistically significant data is not found for compiling trends, give sources referenced for research. Sources should be reputable.”


For performance goals to be beneficial for employees and the organization, they should be relevant to employees’ job responsibilities, thus leading to their professional development and relevant to their short- or long-term goals.


This is to ensure that a goal is met promptly. Our example performance goal can thus be updated in the following manner: “Update the report on emerging trends in e-commerce with at least two new trends that aren’t listed in the report and try to develop new research methods to save time. If statistically significant data is not found for compiling trends, give sources referenced for research. Sources should be reputable.