WCC/SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Transfer Agreement

SUNY_Downstate_HSU_logoSchool Name: SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY
Associate’s Degree Required: Yes
Learning Format: on-campus

Agreement Highlights:

  • Students must graduate from Westchester Community College.
  • Applicants to SUNY Downstate’s Physical Therapy program may transfer in a maximum of 80-semester credits (9 credits must be at the upper-division level at a 4-year college), which will be applied toward the completion of the articulated bachelor’s and doctoral degree (BS/DPT) requirements for the Physical Therapy program.
  • Applicants to SUNY Downstate’s Diagnostic Medical Imaging program may transfer in a maximum of 60-semester credits, which will be applied toward the completion of the articulated bachelor’s degree program.
  • A list of pre-requisite courses and admission requirements for each degree program is contained in the transfer agreement link below, be sure to review these requirements.
  • By the completion of the A.A. or A.S. degree at WCC, all students are waived of the lower-level general education/core requirements at SUNY Downstate. Students will not be required to take any additional lower-level general education/core requirements. This applies to all accepted students, regardless of whether a program-to-program equivalency exists.
  • Students with an A.A.S. degree may have additional lower-level general education/core requirements at SOHP.

Transfer Agreement:

WCC/SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University’s Transfer Agreement

Transfer Scholarship:

Visit SUNY Downstate’s Scholarships page:

For Westchester Community College Scholarship information, go to

Transfer Pathways:

Westchester Community College Associate’s Degree and Degree Type SUNY Downstate Bachelor’s and Doctorate Degree and Degree Type
LAS Math & Science A.S. or a pre-health degree or other degree programs, see a WCC Transfer Counselor for advisement Diagnostic Medical Imaging – B.S.
LAS Math & Science A.S. or a pre-health degree or other degree programs, see a WCC Transfer Counselor for advisement Physical Therapy – B.S./DPT