WCC/SUNY Maritime Transfer Agreement

School Name:  SUNY Maritime, Throggs Neck, NY
Associate’s Degree Required: YES
Learning Format: on-campus

Transfer Agreement Highlights:

  • Students must graduate from Westchester Community College.
  • WCC students who graduate with an A.S. in Engineering Science with a GPA of 5 or better and completion of Calculus I with a grade of C or above will be guaranteed transfer admission to SUNY Maritime College for Bachelor of Engineering Degree options.
  • By virtue of completion of the A.A. or A.S. degree at WCC, all general education core courses taken at WCC will transfer into SUNY Maritime College as general education core courses within the BE program. Students will need two additional core courses for degree completion: ENGL 103 Freshman English II for Engineers and either HIST 101 American Civilization I or HUMN 201 World Literature & Culture I.
  • A minimum of 60 credits from the associate degree will be applied toward the completion of the articulated SUNY Maritime bachelor’s degree program.
  • The maximum number of transfer credits from all sources, whether for courses taken before arrival or while a student at SUNY Maritime College, is 90 credits for a bachelor degree. All bachelor degree students must take a minimum of 42 credits at SUNY Maritime College, at least 18 of which must be upper-division major courses as identified by the major department. Not all transferable credits may apply to your degree curriculum.
  • IMPORTANT – please refer to the transfer agreement for specific transfer requirements for each transfer degree program pathway
  • Fast-Track Program at SUNY Maritime College – All SUNY Maritime students have the potential to save time and money with the SUNY Maritime Fast-Track program. This allows students to transfer seamlessly into either the International Transportation Management or the Maritime and Naval Studies graduate program at the beginning of their senior year, provided they have taken at least 90 credit hours and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 by the summer of their junior year. Students entering the Fast-Track program must also be approved by the SUNY Maritime graduate program coordinator. Fast-Track allows students to take up to 10 graduate credits in their senior year, which count toward both undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Transfer Scholarships:

For SUNY Maritime Scholarship information, go to: https://www.sunymaritime.edu/cost-aidapply-aid/scholarships

For Westchester Community College Transfer Scholarship information, go to: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/ctservice/transfer/transferarticulation-agreements/graduating-student-and-transfer-scholarships/

Transfer Agreement:

WCC/SUNY Maritime Transfer Agreement

Transfer Pathways:

Westchester Community College Associate’s Degree and Degree Type SUNY Maritime Bachelor’s Degree and Degree Type
Engineering Science A.S. Mechanical Engineering/Internship B.E.
Engineering Science A.S. Electrical Engineering/Internship B.E.
Engineering Science A.S. Facilities Engineering/Internship B.E.
Engineering Science A.S. Naval Architecture/Internship B.E.
Engineering Science A.S. Marine Engineering/USCG Engine License B.E.